Canvas - Hiding a Course From Your Dashboard [UW-Madison]

You may find that you no longer want to see a course in your Canvas dashboard. Unfortunately, the Canvas administrative support team is unable to remove UW-Madison Course Guide courses from Canvas. Instead, this document conveys instructions about how to "hide" courses from your Canvas dashboard list.

The majority of courses in Canvas originate from the Student Information System (these courses appear in the UW-Madison Course Guide). The Student Information System tells Canvas which courses to create. As such, if these courses are removed by a Canvas Administrator, they will return in the next enrollment data feed. 

If you would no longer like to see a Canvas course in your Canvas dashboard, you can remove it from that view by following these steps:
(Note: Please visit Canvas Community to see these instructions with screenshots; for instructors or students.)
  1. Click Courses in the left navigation panel in Canvas. 
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of courses and click All Courses. A list of all courses in which you are enrolled appears. 
  3. Click the stars next to the courses to select which ones you'd like to view in your Canvas dashboard, and which ones to hide. Selecting a star until it's orange means it will be displayed; selecting a star until it's white means it won't be displayed.
Additionally, as long as a course isn't published, it's not available to students and it doesn't show up in their Canvas dashboards.

delete course canvas LMS remove dashboard favorite stars all courses SIS student information system timetable non graveyard 
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