University Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-12-17

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved December 17th 2018

Approved Minutes for December 17, 2018          Approved January 7, 2019 

UC members present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf

Others present (in addition to those noted below): S. Smith, J. Richard, J. Smith, H. Daniels

Chair Rick Amasino called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m., immediately following a PROFS Board of Directors meeting. Secretary of the Faculty Steve Smith called attention to APC 5-year reviews available in Box, including a new one from COE. Kirsten Wolf reported on the UWS fac reps meeting of the previous week. The UC discussed a draft document laying out the history of shared governance on this campus and decided to place it on a future meeting agenda for more in-depth discussion. Other governance groups will be notified so they can join the meeting if they would like. The minutes of the meeting of December 10, 2018, were approved.

Director of Sustainability Missy Nergard and FP&M Director David Darling reported on sustainability efforts. Nergard discussed a document outlining STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System). Campus will use STARS this year to determine where we are and develop a strategic plan based on that. Indicators are not just in category of building and grounds, but also academics, endowment, engagement, etc. A second document about our peers shows that we are one of only two non-STARS reporting campuses. Ample discussion ensued about new course attribute, aspirational goals, FP&M reorganization, how utilities are funded, (dis)incentives, and much more. As part of overall effort, and in part in response to Senate resolution, focus is on resiliency and stewardship, including research, new buildings, standards and guidelines, and participation. Aggressive timeline is to get STARS rating by mid-summer.

Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Laurent Heller overlapped on the sustainability discussion and then updated the UC on the graduate assistant segregated fee issue. Heller believes and all present agree that the Budget Committee exists for exactly this kind of topic; their input will still be sought. Very ample discussion ensued. Heller’s time concluded with another very ample discussion, this time on “9 over 12.” Agreement that it makes sense to roll this into the broader ERP/systems review and overhaul, although Heller will look into the relationship between 9 over 12 and flexibility of teaching load sooner and try to do some benchmarking.

Information Technology Committee chair Joe Salmons presented the committee’s annual report (which covers two years). This will be presented at next Senate meeting with a link to a longer report from the former chair. UC supports idea of changing leadership from co-chairs to former chair, chair, chair-elect structure to create stability and also bring in new blood regularly. This will be presented at next Senate meeting separate from the report. UC shares Salmons’ and ITC’s belief that new CIO is pushing in all the right directions. Discussion.

Faculty members Ian Baird and Jenna Loyd presented a draft resolution on investment options. This is part of a concerted effort across the country to increase transparency and motivate change (rather than telling investors what to do) and builds on previous 2013 and 2017 Senate resolutions. Following extensive discussion, Baird and Loyd will consult with Nergard and others and revise the draft, with an eye to a first reading at February Senate. 

Terry Warfield moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:40 p.m. The UC discussed search committees and selected one more member for a de novo review. The UC approved four dual role waiver requests and a one-semester clock extension. Warfield moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:59, at which point Amasino adjourned.

University committee 
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Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty