Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 03-21-19

ASEC Agenda
2:00 – 3:50 p.m. Thursday, March 21, 2019
53 Bascom Hall

2:00    Call To Order/Agenda Review

2:01    Automatic Consent Business
Approval of ASEC minutes of Thursday, March 7, 2019

2:03    Announcements and Good Works

2:08    General Reports
•    Chair – Kevin Niemi
•    Secretary of the Academic Staff – Heather Daniels

2:18    Liaison Reports

2:23    Business
•    April Assembly Agenda

2:30    Guests: Barb Lanser, Disability Coordinator/Employment, and Peggy Hacker, Remington Center, Law School (Return to Work Program Proposal)

2:50    Business
•    Professor Title Resolutions

3:00    Guest: Lisa Carter, Vice Provost for Libraries

3:30    Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointments to Staff Target of Opportunity Program Working Group and Campus Diversity and Climate Committee

3:40    Business
•    Appointments-For Approval
•    Topics for VCFA
•    Next ASEC Meeting, March 28, 2019
-April Assembly Agenda
-Guests: Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration; Lois Brooks, CIO; and Prenicia Clifton, John Miller, Katy Duren and Darin Harris, Pre-College Policy Working Team (Pre-College Policies)
3:50    Adjourn

Current Academic Staff Committees and Chairs
-    Communications Committee – Matthew Call
-    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) – Carol Van Hulle
-    Districting and Representation Committee (DRC) – Eileen Ewing
-    Mentoring Committee – Ed Elder/Chris Logterman
-    Nominating Committee – Alissa Oleck/Dan Barnish/Karyn Matchey
-    Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC) – Dorothea Salo/Pam Garcia-Rivera
-    Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) – Martha Reck
-    Ad Hoc Committee on Title and Total Compensation Academic Staff Communications – Ron Harris/Heather McFadden

ASEC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff