Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-03-04
All agenda items (PDF)
Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 135 voting members present (110 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Robert Dott (Faculty Document 2801), Professor Emeritus Terry Howard (Faculty Document 2802), Professor Emerita Susan Nitzke (Faculty Document 2803), Professor Emeritus Johnny Pendleton (Faculty Document 2804), Professor Emeritus Dwayne Rohweder (Faculty Document 2805), and Professor Emeritus Richard R. Smith (Faculty Document 2806). Chancellor Blank reported on the state budget outlook and process, referring people to budget.wisc.edu for the most recent information. She also provided updates on recent searches and noted that UW was ranked number one by NSF in the number of Ph.Ds granted. She concluded with an update on the PEOPLE program, which recently held the grand opening of a new location in Milwaukee.
That news segued into Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims annual State of Diversity and Inclusion address. Sims reported on many aspects of this topic, including governance, milestones, and events. He highlighted the new Targets of Opportunity Program, the annual Diversity Forum, and the Innovation Grant Funding System, and much more. He reminded faculty of their self-expressed commitment to diversity and inclusion and concluded by introducing members of the Diversity Liaison Programs inaugural cohort, who in turn presented information on that program. There was one question for Prof. Sims about retention and attrition of minority faculty and one question which the provost responded to about open access platforms for scholarly publications. The Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-02-04 were approved.
Associate Professor Corinna Burger (Neurology) presented the annual report for the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee (Faculty Document 2807). Professor Dorothy Farrar-Edwards (District 31, Kinesiology) presented the annual report for PROFS, Inc. (Faculty Document 2808). Professor Claude Woods (District 48, Chemistry) presented the annual report for the Retirement Issues Committee (Faculty Document 2809). Professor Emeritus Chuck Snowdon presented the annual report for the Ombuds office (Faculty Document 2810). There were no questions or comments on any of these reports.
Professor Rick Amasino (University Committee, Distrtict 120, Biochemistry) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2811, which specifies that appeals of discipline imposed under FPP Chapter 9 must be filed within 30 days. There was one question as to how 30 days was decided on (it is standard across campus for similar situations) and how it compares to current practice (it will be as long or longer than almost all cases up to now). The motion passed by voice vote without dissent. Professor Amasino presented Faculty Documents 2776 and 2777 for another discussion. The UC and the originating committee are open to changes in the resolutions but wanted to promote discussion on the merits and/or problems with the general concepts rather than specific wording. Thus, although additional documentation accompanied these resolutions, they remained in the same format as presented for discussion in November. Comments focused primarily on the Professor of Practice and concerns that a title series that did not require a degree could risk diluting the meaning of professor. This and other feedback will be incorporated into these documents as they are brought forward for vote in April.
Chancellor Blank ceded the chair to Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf for the balance of the meeting. Assistant Professor Jenna Loyd (District 57, Geography) presented Faculty Document 2812, a resolution calling for transparency around TIAA investments, for a first reading. A couple of comments in support of the resolution also suggested modifications that will be taken into consideration when this item returns for a vote in April. Provost Mangelsdorf adjourned the meeting at 4:51 p.m.
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty