Box - Promote New Owner

How to give ownership of a folder to a new person.

Transfer ownership of a Box folder to a different account

To transfer ownership of files or folders you own to another Box account:

  1. Find the folder for which you want to transfer ownership, and click in that folder's row to select it.
  2. In the list on the right, look for the name of the user or account to which you want to transfer ownership, to see if that account is already a collaborator on the folder. If the account is already a collaborator, skip to step 5.
  3. In the column on the right, from the Share this Folder drop-down menu, select Invite Collaborators.
  4. Enter the email address of the account to which you want to transfer ownership, and then click Send Invites.
  5. Once the account has accepted your invitation, click the three dots next to the account you wish to promote to owner, and change that account's current permissions to Owner.
    Be sure to select Ownernot Co-owner.
  6. In the pop-up that appears, click Okay to confirm that you will no longer own the content, and your permission level will be changed to Editor.

Box owner promote assign co-owner user permissions collaborator 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Darryl B. in Law School
Law School