WiscIT - E-mail Commands
- Customer emails <service account address> with a request.
- WiscIT creates a new Incident that is assigned to the team that corresponds to the email account. Note that WiscIT uses the terms Call, Incident, Service Request and Ticket interchangeably.
- WiscIT sets the Requestor of the Incident to the person who sent the original email. If the Requestor cannot be found in WiscIT, the Requestor will be set to WiscIT Default and the person who sent the email will be add to the Alt Contact field.
- If the Requestor adds email addresses to the To: or Cc: fields on the initial email, those email addresses should be added to the Alt Contact: field in the Incident.
- WiscIT sends a copy of the email to the members of the team.
- WiscIT also sends a WiscIT Incident escalated to (<team name>) email to the members of the team
- A team member replies to requestor email (reply not reply-all).
- WiscIT sends an email to requestor.
- WiscIT assigns ownership of the Incident to the team member that replied.
- The first team member to reply to an email will be assigned ownership unless the first line of the email begins with #replyonly. See the Commands section below for additional commands.
- WiscIT sends an email to team indicating that the team member who replied to the email has taken ownership of the Incident.
- Future email replies on this thread will not be forwarded to the team.
- The requestor and Incident owner reply back and forth in the email thread as needed.
- As each email is sent, a journal entry is added to the Incident.
- If additional email contacts need to be added to the Incident, see #addcontact in the Commands section below.
- Email addresses added to the To: or Cc: fields after the initial request will not be automatically added as Alt Contacts.
- When the work has been completed, the Incident owner marks the Incident as resolved by replying to the thread with #resolve as the first line of the message.
- The Incident will auto close after 10 days. This allows a customer to reply (i.e. "Thanks") without creating a new Incident.
- Alternatively, the Incident can be resolved via the Rich Client or Browser Client.
A command can be included in the first line of an email sent to WiscIT. The command will be parsed from the first line in an email and the corresponding action performed; notifications will be sent technologists if an invalid action is received. NOTE: Only Team members can have #commands processed. Expect at least three (3) minutes to pass between when you send an email and when you see the results in WiscIT.
Command |
Action |
#addcontact | Append to the 'Alt Contact:' field via email without sending an email to the requestor.
#addcontactreply | Append to the 'Alt Contact:' field via email and send an email to the requestor.
#assign | Assign ownership of an Incident without sending an email to the requestor or adding a journal.
#comment | Add a journal entry to an Incident without sending an email to the requestor.
#commentonly | Add a journal entry to an Incident without sending an email to the requestor.
#replyonly | Add a journal entry without taking ownership of an Incident. An email will be sent to the requestor.
#requestor | Create a new WiscIT Incident on behalf of another person and assign it to yourself
#resolve | Resolve an Incident without sending an email to the requestor. The Incident will auto close after 10 days. This allows a customer to reply (i.e. "Thanks") without creating a new Incident. There is no need to set an Incident to Closed manually.
#resolvereply | Add a journal entry, send an email to the customer, and resolve the Incident. The Incident will auto close after 10 days. This allows a customer to reply (i.e. "Thanks") without creating a new Incident. There is no need to set a Incident to Closed manually.
#take | Take ownership of a Incident without sending an email to the requestor or adding a journal. |