Help Desk - Common Adware Programs
This document lists common adware programs to look for when troubleshooting a computer. Adware is software that automatically displays or downloads advertising materials (often unwanted) when a user is online. This may also include re-directing the customer's browser to different websites (also typically unwanted).
Here are more than 380 common adware programs and search redirect hijackers. Use this list to check if related programs and browser extensions are present on your computer.
- 1ClickDownloader
- Search
- 7search
- A.Kaytri
- Aartemis Search
- Ad Adserverplus
- Adoresearch
- AllSearchApp
- Amazon Search
- AnywhereMe Toolbar
- Arcade Safari
- Auto-Lyrics
- AutoCompletePro Toolbar
- Axisearch
- B Lyrics
- Babylon Search
- BasicSeek
- BasicServe
- BatBrowse
- Beamrise Search
- BearShare Search
- BeeCoupons
- BetterBuys
- BetterDeals
- BetterSurf
- BiggestDEALS
- BigSeekPro Toolbar
- Blekko Search
- Boby Lyrics
- Bomlabio
- Bonanza
- BrandProfiles
- Browse for the Cause
- Browse to Save
- BrowseBeyond
- BrowseFox
- BrowserSeek Search
- Btosjs Info
- Bubble Dock
- Bueno Search
- Buify
- BuscaID Search
- BuumpMe
- Buzzdock
- BuzzSearch
- Certified Toolbar
- ChatZum
- Clickorati
- Conduit Search
- ContinueToSave
- CoolLyrics
- Coupon Alert Toolbar
- Coupon Cactus
- Coupon Caddy
- Coupon Chaser
- Coupon Companion
- Coupon Genie
- Coupon Locker
- Coupon Matcher
- Coupon Pigeon
- Coupon Printer
- Coupon Samurai
- Coupon Server
- Coupon Slider
- CouponAlerts
- CouponBar
- CouponChaser
- CouponDropDown
- Crawler Search
- Creative Toolbars
- CricBuzz Search
- Dalesearch
- Deal Boat
- Deal Vault
- Deal-Slider
- DealBrowsing
- DealCabby
- DealCola
- DealDropDown
- DealFairy
- DealPly
- Deals Plugin
- DealsApp
- DealSpy
- Delta Search
- Delta-Homes Search
- Desk 365
- Diamondata
- Dictionary Boss
- Digstar Search
- Dingo Deals
- Discount Buddy
- Discount Dragon
- DiVapton
- DivX Toolbar
- Do-search
- Dogpile
- DomaIQ
- DoSearches
- Download n’Save
- Download Savings
- DownloadTerms
- DownLow
- DropinSavings
- EasyLifeApp Search
- Eazel Toolbar
- ElectroLyrics
- eType Toolbar
- Excellent Coupons
- EZPowerAds
- Fanhoosh
- FB Photo Zoom
- FBDownloader
- FilmFanatic Toolbar
- FindMeSavings
- Findr Toolbar
- Findwide Search
- First Address Bar
- FirstRowSportAps
- FlashSavings
- Flipora Search
- FLV Runner Toolbar
- FoxyLyrics
- Free YouTube Downloader
- Freecorder Toolbar
- FunkLyrics
- Funmoods Search
- Funmoods Toolbar
- GadgetBox Search
- Genieo Search
- Genius Box
- GetSavin
- Giant Savings
- Gigantic Savings
- Ginyas Companion
- Glarysoft Toolbar
- Glindorus
- GlobaSearch
- Goong Search
- GoOnSearch
- Govome Search
- GreyGray
- Guffins Toolbar
- Hao123 Search
- HeadlineAlley Toolbar
- HelpmeFindYour Info
- Higher Aurum
- Home Speedbit
- Hot Search Toolbar
- Hotspot Shield
- Ievbz Search
- iLivid Search
- Illoxum
- iMesh Toolbar
- IMinent Toolbar
- Infomash Search
- Instant Savings App
- iSoft Online Search
- Ividi Search
- JollyWallet
- JustinTime Savings
- Kasimos
- King Translate
- Kozaka
- Kwiblesearch
- LessTabs
- LightningSavings
- LinkSicle
- LinkSwift
- Live TV Toolbar
- LiveFinancially
- Local Moxie
- Luxemil Search
- Lyrics Bot
- Lyrics Buddy
- Lyrics Launcher
- Lyrics Penguin
- Lyrics Plus
- Lyrics Seeker
- Lyrics View
- Lyrics-Fan
- Lyrics-Monkey
- Lyrics-Pal
- LyricsArt
- LyricsContainer
- LyricsDroid
- LyricsFolder
- LyricsFriend
- LyricsNotes
- LyricsParty
- LyricsShow
- LyricsSing
- LyricsSmart
- LyricsSpeaker
- LyricsTab
- LyricsViewer
- LyricsWatch
- LyricsWoofer
- Lyrmix
- MaxResult Search
- MaxWebSearch
- MediaGet Toolbar
- Metacrawler Redirect
- MixiDJ Toolbar
- MonsterMarketplace
- My Web Face Toolbar
- Myplaycity
- Mysearch
- MySearchDial Toolbar
- MySearchSocial
- MyStart Incredibar
- MySuperCheap
- MyWebSearch
- Nav-Links
- Netmahal Search
- NinjaSavings
- O-To-Lyrics
- OfferMosquito
- Offers4U
- Omiga Plus
- OneWebSearch
- Online HD TV
- Onmylike Search
- OpenLyrics
- OpenMediaSoft
- OtShot
- OutoBox
- Oyodomo
- PassWidget
- Play-Lyrics
- PlurPush
- Plus-HD
- PortaldoSites
- PriceBlink
- PricePeep
- PriceSlicer
- Pricora
- Privatize VPN
- Prize Party
- ProtectedSearch
- Qone8 Search
- Qualitink Deals
- QuickShare
- QuotationCafe
- Qvo6 Search
- Rally Toolbar
- Reading Fanatic
- Record Checker
- RehabMatters
- Remove ZoomEx
- ResultsLand
- RevenueHits
- Rolimno
- Safe Monitor
- Safe Saver
- Safehomepage Search
- SafeSearch Net
- SalesResourcePartners
- SaltarSmart
- Save As Deal Finder
- SaveNShare
- Savings Addon
- Savings Assistant
- Savings Explorer
- Savings Magnet
- Savings Scout
- Savings Sidekick
- Savings Slider
- Savings Vault
- Savings Wave
- Savings Wizard
- SavingsApp
- SavingsHero
- SavingsHunter
- SavingsShield
- SavingsShip
- SavingsWizard
- Scorpion Saver
- Search Alot
- Search Deals
- Search Donkey Ads
- Search Enhance
- SearcHab
- SearchBomb
- SearchCompletion
- SearchCore
- SearchFusion
- SearchGol
- SearchGuru Redirect
- Searchiu
- SearchPage
- SearchPlusNetwork
- SearchResults Toolbar
- Secure Trusted-Serving
- SelectionLinks
- Sharp Savings
- Shop to Win
- ShopAtHome Toolbar
- Shopping Sidekick
- ShoppingChip
- Shopr Com
- ShoutLyrics
- SingTube
- SkyWebber
- SlamDunkSavings
- Smart Address Bar
- Smart Suggestor
- SmartBar
- Smilebox Search
- SnapDo Toolbar
- Softonic Toolbar
- Solid Savings
- SOSO Globo Search
- SpecialSavings
- Speedbit Toolbar
- Spigot Toolbar
- Spring Smart
- Spy Guard Ads
- StarburnSoftware
- Startnow Toolbar
- StartPins
- StartSavin
- StartSear Info
- StartSearchUs
- Super Lyrics
- SuperFish
- Supreme Savings
- Surf and Keep
- Sweetdreams-49 Toolbar
- SweetIM
- SweetPacks
- SweetPCFix
- SweetTunes Toolbar
- SwiftBrowse
- SySaver
- Text Enhance
- Tidy Network
- Tiger Savings
- TopArcadeHits
- Topic Torch
- TornTV
- Travelocity Search
- Trusted Saver
- TrustedOffers
- Ttessab
- Tube Dimmer
- TubeBar
- TubeSing
- Tuvaro Search
- TVGenie
- U-Search
- Ueep Search
- Ultimate Search
- UnfriendApp
- V9 Search
- Vacation Xplorer
- vGrabber Toolbar
- Vid Saver
- VideoSaver
- ViewPassword
- Visual IM
- VisualBee Redirect
- Vube
- Wajam
- Web Browser Search Toolbar
- Web Layers
- Web Opinions
- Web Searches Toolbar
- Webalta Search
- WebCake
- WebConnect
- WebSparkle
- Whilokii
- WhiteSmoke Toolbar
- Widgi Toolbar
- WiseConvert Toolbar
- Xaven
- Xfinity Search
- Xtendmedia Search
- Xvidly
- Yandex Toolbar
- YellowMoxie
- You Lyrics
- ZenDeals
- ZNoo
- ZoneAlarm Search
- Zwinky Toolbar