WRAP Data Freeze - "Calculated_Consensus_dx" Field Definitions

This document describes the calculated fields of the "ConsensusConferenceDiagnosis" table generated by the WRAP Data Freeze process.
The "Calculated_Consensus_dx" field (Insight data element location: IG_CONSE_GROUP3.I_CONSE__4_CALCULATED_CONSENSUS_DX), is not a calculated field within the Consensus Conference form in OC.  This field is automatically calculated upon all necessary data elements being entered. 
The logic for the calculation and fields used in the calculation are documented here:
Consensus Form Fields used to determine Calculated_Consensus_DX

Q3    - 3. Does the subject meet criteria for dementia (2018 Framework criteria)?
Q4e  - 4e. Impaired (longstanding impairment), not MCI or CU-D
Q4    - 4. If the subject does not have normal stable cognition and does not meet criteria for dementia, 
            specify whether decline is cognitively unimpaired-declining (CU-D) or MCI and choose only one 
            impairment category from items 4a thru 4e as being present";mark all others "absent") and then 
            designate the suspected underlying cause(s) of the impairment by completing items 5–30. 
            If biomarkers have been obtained complete item 31:
Q2    - 2. Is the subject cognitively unimpaired (CU) and no noted decline and normal CDR/IADL/IQCODE

Logic for calculation in easy to ready format:

if "Q3" = 1(Yes), Dementia

if "Q4e" = 1(Yes), Impaired_Not_MCI

if "Q4" = 'cud', Cog_Unimpaired_Declining

if "Q4" = 'mci', Clinical_MCI

if "Q3" = null(Unanswered)
        and "Q4e" = null(Unanswered) or 0(No)
        and "Q4" = null(Unanswered)
        and "Q2" = null(Unanswered), No_Diagnosis_Calculated
if "Q2" = 1(Yes) or "Q4" = null(Unanswered), Cog_Unimpaired_Stable

else No_Diagnosis_Calculated

Screenshot of form logic:
The below information/method was deprecated with migration to OpenClinica and the freeze ETL being developed.
The calculated fields of the "ConsensusConferenceDiagnosis" table all use the
"ConsensusConference" table field values in their determinations.  The fields of
the "ConsensusConference" table take their values from the "WRAP NACC ver5_02-19.docx"
document  This document records the determinations from the WRAP Consensus Conference.
This document is available for viewing here.WRAPNACCver5_02-19.docx
Below is the SQL which defines each of the "ConsensusConferenceDiagnosis"
field values.  Note that the numeral portion of the field reference refers to the
question number, i.e. "cc3" refers to Question 3 on the "WRAP NACC ver5_02-19.docx"
Field "consensus_dx":
         NZ(cc3,-999) = 1, "Dementia",
         NZ(cc2,-999)=1 Or (NZ(cc4_early,-999)=0 And NZ(cc4_clinical,-999)=0), "Cog_Unimpaired_Stable",                
         NZ(cc4e,-999) = 1, "Impaired_Not_MCI",
         NZ(cc4_early,-999) = -1, "Cog_Unimpared_Declining",
         NZ(cc4_clinical,-999) = -1, "Clinical_MCI") AS consensus_dx
Field "dementia_type":
      Iif(NZ(cc3,-999) = 1, Switch(
            NZ(cc5,-999) = 1, Switch(NZ(cc5a,-999) = 1, "Probable_AD_Primary", NZ(cc5a,-999) = 2, "Probable_AD_Secondary"),
            NZ(cc6,-999) = 1, Switch(NZ(cc6a,-999) = 1, "Possible_AD_Primary", NZ(cc6a,-999) = 2, "Possible_AD_Secondary"))) AS dementia_type
Field "cons_memory":
      Iif(NZ(cc3,-999) <> 1, Iif(NZ(cc4a,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4b,-999) = 1, 1, 0),NULL) AS cons_memory
Field: "cons_language":
      Iif(NZ(cc3,-999) <> 1, Iif(NZ(cc4b_lang,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4c_lang,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4d_lang,-999) = 1, 1, 0),NULL) AS cons_language
Field: "cons_attention":
      Iif(NZ(cc3,-999) <> 1, Iif(NZ(cc4b_att,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4c_att,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4d_att,-999) = 1, 1, 0),NULL) AS cons_attention
Field: "cons_execfunc":
      Iif(NZ(cc3,-999) <> 1, Iif(NZ(cc4b_exec,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4c_exec,-999) = 1  or NZ(cc4d_exec,-999) = 1, 1, 0),NULL) AS cons_execfunc
Field: "cons_visuospatial":
      Iif(NZ(cc3,-999) <> 1, Iif(NZ(cc4b_vis,-999) = 1    or NZ(cc4c_vis,-999) = 1 or NZ(cc4d_vis,-999) = 1, 1, 0),NULL) AS cons_visuospatial
The SQL above is contained in the "qryCCLong" query.  Within this query is referenced the "qryTallies" query,  The contents of these queries in their entirety
are available below:
Note that all of these queries are run in a MS-Access 2016 environment.  The "NonMiss" function is one that was locally written
to indicate if a particular value was missing.  This can be provided as well if desired.
Note that all of the SQL above was written by Erin Jonaitis of WRAP. 
If you have any questions about this documentation or suggestions for it's improvement, please contact
      Allen Wenzel
      WRAP Administrative Program Specialist
      EMail: awenzel@wisc.edu

consensus conference biannual 
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Dan P. in Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Program
Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Program