Atomic Assessments - Reports and Downloading Student Responses [UW-Madison]

Atomic Assessments is an advanced quizzing tool currently available through Canvas to all of UW-Madison's for-credit instructors. Because it is an advanced quizzing tool, it is recommend for technically advanced instructors or instructors with departmental support staff. Please leave ample time to develop and test assessments in Atomic Assessments before incorporating them into your live courses.

This document outlines the different options for downloading student responses from Atomic Assessments, as well as how to download those responses.

Generating student reports in Atomic Assessments

Atomic Assessments provides robust statistics and stores student response and attempt information, which can be accessed by instructors either in the Atomic Assessments dashboard in Canvas or by downloading a file. To view the statistics for a single assignment in Canvas, navigate to the Atomic Assessments dashboard and click on the assignment name. A preview of the statistics dashboard can be viewed below.
Statistics dashboard for Atomic Assessments in Canvas

Student reports can be downloaded in the following formats:

  • All attempts for a single assignment as a .csv file
  • All responses for a single assignment as a .json file
  • Activity summaries as a series of .json files

To download a CSV of the attempts on a single assignment:

  1. Click Atomic Assessments in the left navigation pane of the Canvas course.
  2. On the assignment you want to download the attempts for, click the three dots icon ("kabob" menu).
  3. In the drop-down menu, click Download Summary. You will see an "Exporting" message while the report is generated.
    download summary
  4. Click the Download button in the Export Complete window to download the report.

To download a JSON file of responses for a single assignment:

  1. Click Atomic Assessments in the left navigation pane of the Canvas course.
  2. On the assignment you want to download the attempts for, click the three dots icon ("kabob" menu).
  3. In the drop-down menu, click Download Summary. You will see an "Exporting" message while the report is generated.
    download responses
  4. Click the Download button in the Export Complete window to download the report. This will download an file of responses. You will need to open the file in a text editing application in order to review the JSON.

To download activity summaries as a series of JSON files:

  1. Click Atomic Assessments in the left navigation pane of the Canvas course.
  2. At the top right of the screen, click on the gear icon ("More options").
  3. In the dropdown menu, select Download Activities. You will see a list of all activities in the course.
  4. Select particular activities to download and click the Download button, or click the Download All Activities button down export all activities in the course. You will see an "Exporting" message while the files are being generated.
  5. Click the Download button to download the exported files.

atomic assessments, quiz, quizzing, advanced quizzing, assessments, reports, responses, assignment 
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