Outlook (macOS) - Mapping a Service Account
Follow these steps to map a service (role-based) account in Outlook on macOS.
In order to complete these steps for a particular account, you must be linked to that account. If you are unable to complete these steps or need assistance, please contact the TechZone.
Determining Outlook Version
- Open Outlook.
- From the top-left of the screen, select Outlook > About Outlook.
- Look at the "License" line and determine your version as follows:
- Volume License 2016: Outlook 2016
- Volume License 2019: Outlook 2019
- Microsoft 365 Subscription: See step 4
- If your license is "Microsoft 365 Subscription", check if you're using the standard Outlook view by opening the Outlook menu and looking for a check next to "Legacy Outlook":
If Legacy Outlook is checked, you are using legacy Outlook. Otherwise, you are using standard Outlook.
Once you've determined your Outlook version, follow the steps in the appropriate section below.
Outlook 365 (Standard)
- Open Outlook.
- From the top-left of the screen, select Outlook > Settings...
- In the preferences window, click on Accounts.
- With your NetID account selected, click Delegation and Sharing.
- Navigate to the Shared With Me tab.
- Click the + (plus) button.
- Search for the service account you'd like to map.
If the service account doesn't show up in your search, please contact the TechZone.
- Select the email address from the search results and click Add.
- Click Done.
Outlook 2016, 2019, and 365 (Legacy)
- Open Outlook.
- From the top-left of the screen, select Outlook > Settings...
- In the preferences window, click on Accounts.
- In the bottom right of the accounts window, click Advanced...
- Go to the Delegates tab.
- Under "Open these additional mailboxes", click the + (plus) button.
- Enter the email address of the service account you'd like to map.
If the service account doesn't show up in your search, please contact the TechZone.
- Select the email address from the search results and click Add.
- Click OK and close out of the Settings window.
After a few moments, the service account should show up in the account list on the left side of the Outlook window.