ASEC Minutes 7-11-19
Approved 7-25-19
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, July 11, 2019
53 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg, chair; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Greg Brooks, Liv Goff, Megan Grove, Rusty Haines, Dan Langer, Maria Mora
The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.
The minutes of June 13, 2019 were approved.
General Reports
Jenny Dahlberg, chair of ASEC, reported that there was a meeting with the Office of Human Resources at the end of June. They discussed the upcoming forums as well as assistant dean titles.
Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that she had met with Karl Scholz to provide him with an overview of how the Provost interacts with academic staff governance. He is looking forward to working with ASEC and the Assembly. The UW-Extension transition has been going well. There were a couple of data hiccups that the office is addressing. She met with Patrick Sheehan and Brian Vaughan about a couple of changes that need to be made in ASPP as a result of a LAB audit. They include referring to the Academic Staff Appeals Committee as an impartial hearing committee and adding language allowing appeals to the Board of Regents for academic staff dismissed for cause who do not have an indefinite appointment. Heather is talking with PPPC about the changes. She will draft language to have the Office of Legal Affairs consider and then share with PPPC for their consideration. She also met with a group of scientists who are concerned about the scientist title in the new TTC title structure. Heather is reaching out to the Office of Human Resources to ask about the data for academic peers on this title.
Liaison Reports
The Librarians’ Assembly organized a cultural heritage tour. They are talking about how to incorporate more First Nations information into the teaching they do.
ASEC Orientation
Jenny outlined orientation information for ASEC. She reminded them that they are elected by the academic staff at large to represent academic staff as a whole. She encouraged ASEC members to contact her or Heather about guests they would like to invite. She also shared the importance of being ready for meetings by reviewing materials.
•2018-19 Academic Staff Assembly Statistics
Heather distributed the 2018-19 Academic Staff Assembly statistics on attendance and number of emails sent by representatives and alternates. Lindsey agreed to write up a proposal to promote those representatives/alternates who have done a good job in these two areas.
Motion to convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) Discuss Appointments to the Campus Planning Committee and University Academic Planning Council. (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Convene in Open Session. (Cole). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Lindsey Stoddard Cameron to the Campus Planning Committee and Deb Shapiro to the University Academic Planning Council (Cole). Seconded. Approved.
•TTC Update
The compensation philosophy was distributed. ASEC discussed some minor edits to the document mainly around verb choice. They also discussed training plans as outlined in the TTC forums.
•Shared Governance Participation Letter
ASEC reviewed the letter from last year and suggested two minor changes. Heather will share changes with the other governance groups to see if there are any objections.
Guests: Greg Brooks, Liv Goff, Megan Grove, Rusty Haines and Dan Langer, Division of Business Services
In regards to the GET tool, it was decided earlier this year to decommission it. It was built to reduce send backs and version 9.01 of e-Reimbursement necessitated a lot of these. GET is on an out-of-date server and part of the campus effort to reduce bolt-ons. It doesn’t connect to My Wallet, has no workflow, and doesn’t connect to travel advances.
September 30 is the target date to shut down GET. October is the next round of updates for Shared Financial Systems (SFS). There are 150 high-use GET alternates and 1300 primary users, who do at least 5 GET submissions a year. They will be offering training in e-Reimbursement for these users. They started communications about the change and will be offering training starting in August.
Regarding the business purpose for purchasing cards, enough information needs to be provided so the auditor knows how the purchase is related to business.
The current Fox World Travel contract expires in July 1, 2020. Rusty Haines is serving on the RFP committee. It is a UW System contract. The RFP should be out in the next two weeks and a decision will be made by January 1. UW System has saved $3.5 million over the last three years.
•Planning for 2019-2020
Jenny shared that she plans to organize a planning session for ASEC, Standing Committee Chairs, and Assembly Representatives. It will likely be held in August. There will be plenty of time for small group discussion on priorities for academic staff governance. There may also be a couple workshops on managing change and goal-setting.
•Topics for Provost and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Clinical Nursing Hours Issue
UW-Extension Transition
Your Assessment on the Provost position (particularly resource allocation)-feedback for Karl Scholz
Your awareness of SMPH wish to purchase software to track faculty activity and whether this should be a campus system
Visa Streamlining Update
Enrollment Management updates
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
5G network and planned use of it (or would this be a better topic for Lois Brooks?)
Administrative Transformation Project update including peer campus visits
Chief of staff appointment
Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff