Graduate School Data Requests

This KB provides guidelines for submitting data requests to the Graduate School. It outlines best practices for making custom data requests when existing data resources are insufficient. This KB also provides general information about the data resources and tools available to campus employees for obtaining and analyzing data related to graduate education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Data Request Introduction

Campus users are recommended to review the following list of already available data resources prior to requesting a custom data product from the Graduate School. Those still wishing to request a specific data report or product not otherwise available should use our data request intake form. A link to the data request intake form is listed with instructions at the end of this KB.

Available Campus Data Resources

Data Resource


Data Categories

Graduate School Explorer (Interactive Dashboard)
Interactive data visualization that provides information about student admissions, enrollment, funding, degrees, program completion, and career outcomes for the UW–Madison Graduate School. The GSE allows users to drill down by degree level, student demographic categories, academic discipline, academic plan, named option, cohort, and term.
Admissions, Enrollment, Funding, Degrees, Program Completion, Career Outcomes

RADAR (Institutional Data Exporters - IDEs)

Portal for UW–Madison that houses a repository of reports for the university. RADAR houses the entire published repository of dynamic Tableau Institutional Data Exporters (IDEs). By clicking the name of a dashboard or report in the repository, the portal will take you to a specific dashboard or report allowing you to quickly query and export anything from course demographics to student GPAs and everything in-between.
*Almost everything*
(Start here if you think the report has been requested before)

Academic Program Profiles

View program data specific to that student population. The Tableau Data Visualizations (Vizzes) provide aggregated data presented in the areas of admissions/enrollment, funding, completion/degrees, and doctoral career outcomes.
Admissions, Enrollment, Funding, Degrees, Program Completion, Diversity
Graduate Admissions Competitor Landscape

Tableau Data Visualization (Viz) that provides data on the national postsecondary institutions competing with UW-Madison graduate programs for new student admissions. Dashboards display the institutional enrollments of new graduate admits over the past five years, as well as the reasons reported by admits for not accepting UW-Madison graduate program offers of admission. Admissions, Recruitment, Marketing, Funding, Peer Competition/Comparison
 Graduate School Exit and Experience Survey Visualizations
*Doctoral Exit Survey
*Master's Exit Survey
*Doctoral Student Experience Survey
Tableau Data Visualization (Vizzes) that summarize student responses to the Doctoral Exit Survey, Master's Exit Survey, and Doctoral Student Experience Survey. The surveys are administered to all graduating students as a required component of degree processing and conferral and for all dissertating students at the preliminary examination stage. Dashboards display overall survey respondent demographics, responses related to satisfaction and experiences in their program and at UW-Madison, responses related to climate and well-being, responses related to career planning and professional development, etc.  Recruitment, UW-Madison Peer Comparison, Program Review, Programming
Tableau Data Visualization (Viz) that provides information about retention rates, completion rates, and median time-to-degree trends for PhDs at the UW–Madison Graduate School. This Viz allows users to filter by both academic plan and entrance year cohort, as well as allowing for comparison to other Association of American University (AAU) peer institutions.
Retention Rates, Completion Rates, Time-to-Degree trends, Peer Comparison


Database that lists information about graduate programs, certificates, minors, faculty, staff, and student degrees. It also allows allows you the ability to request E-warrants, add/drop/change majors, upload prior coursework, etc..
Real-time data related to Graduate Programs, Certificates, Minors, Faculty, Staff, and Student Degrees.

Applicant Review

Application within MyGradPortal that is utilized for reviewing, tracking, and communicating with applicants.
Applicant Data


Tool within MyGradPortal that can be used to run queries on applicant data from current or past terms for both submitted and un-submitted applications.
Applicant Data
Reporting tool that you can utilize to run ad-hoc reports on real-time student and course data.
Real-time Student data, Real-time Course data
Doctoral Student and Postdoc Outcomes Data
UW–Madison has provided name and degree information of doctoral and postdoctoral alumni from the past 15 years to Academic Analytics. With that information, they have completed manual web searches to compile the visualization. The data includes employment industry, location, title, and salary and is filterable by degree, degree year, school/college, and department/program.
Graduate Outcomes, Doctoral Graduate Outcomes, Postdoc Outcomes
UW-Madison Graduate Outcomes: Earnings
Tableau Data Visualization (Viz) that provides information about earnings by degree level, areas of study, major, percentile, and number of years post-graduation for alumni from the UW–Madison Graduate School. This interactive tool allows users to drill down by degree level, graduate cohort, area of study, and number of years postgrad.
Graduate Outcomes, Earnings, Master's Graduate Outcomes
Postdocs at UW-Madison: Postdoc Profile
Tableau Data Visualization (Viz) that provides information about postdoctoral positions at UW–Madison, broken out by gender, citizenship, minority status, and years in postdoctoral training before departure. This interactive tool allows users to drill down by year, academic division, school/college, gender, citizenship, minority status, postdoc type, department, and international vs. domestic.
Gender, Citizenship, Minority Status, Years in Postdoc training
Institution-Level Reports and Information
The Provost's Office supports a number of institutional-level and campus-wide projects and initiatives that are intended for broad audiences across campus and for external audiences. These services include department profile systems and reports used to support academic and resource-allocation decisions, accountability reports, data sets and questionnaires used by publishers and rankings organizations, and federally required reports. Reports/visualizations of particular note include:

*Almost everything*

Academic Structure, Admissions, Enrollment, Funding, Degrees, Completion, Graduate Outcomes, Tuition, Financial Aid, Research Expenditures, etc.

Trends in Degrees and Related Data
Tableau Data Visualization (Viz) that provides information about trends in degrees, degree recipients, majors, named options, certificates, doctoral minors, and honors. This interactive tool allows users to drill-down by degree level, academic division, school/college, department, major, named option, certificate, or a specific time period. It does not include information about enrollment, current students, or non-current students who have yet to complete a degree or certificate.
Trends in Degrees, Degree Recipients, Majors, Named Options, Certificates, Doctoral Minors, and Honors.
UW-Madison Enrollment Report
Tableau Data Visualization (Viz) that provides information about trends in student enrollments based on headcounts. It also allows for comparison across degree levels, majors, and certificates. This interactive tool allows users to drill-down by term, academic level, admit type, school/college, certificate type, demographic categories, and specific time periods.
Trends in Enrollment, Comparisons by Degree, Comparisons by Major, Comparisons by Certificate
Data Definitions Glossary
UW-Madison's glossary of terms used in administrative dashboards and reports. It contains functional definitions of terms, as well as links to relevant dashboards and reports that use those terms.
*Almost everything*
(All definitions that have been approved through data governance)

Custom Data Requests

If the above resources are insufficient or you have questions about the data provided, contact the Office of Academic Analysis, Planning and Assessment's (OAAPA) service account:  To request a custom data query, please use our data request intake form.  

Please have the following information prepared to complete the form.

  1. Date when the data is needed. This helps us appropriately prioritize requests and allocate the proper time to complete them in a timely manner.
  2. Type of data request and preferred format (aggregated data, deidentified data, Tableau data visualization, Excel spreadsheet, PDF report, statistical analysis, etc.).
  3. Type of information needed in the report output. Feel free to be as specific as even stating which specific columns you would like (ID, Plan Code, Degree Year, Time-to-Degree, Percent FTE, Pivot Table, etc.)
  4. Specific information unique to your data request. Be as specific as possible and avoid vague phrases like "progress" or "recent alumni". Some examples of specific information include:
    1. Types of students that you want included (All graduate students, PhD students, Masters-only, current, etc.)
    2. Time-frame that you want reported over (specific term like Fall 2018, specific academic year, specific longer time-frame, etc.)
    3. Specific academic criteria (Plan codes, Programs, Minors, etc.)
    4. Specific student demographics (AOF, targeted minority, Graduate Assistants, etc.)
    5. Specify specific metrics you want to be reported upon (Average, Time-to-Degree, 4-Year Graduation Rate, Percent Targeted Minority, etc.)
  5. Describe the business use for the reporting request.
  6. Examples of past/other reports you would like emulated. (You can attach documents to the request.)

grad, graduate, data, graduate school, OAAPA, Academic Analysis, Data Analysis, Grad School Explorer, data request, custom data request, Tableau graduate, graduate dashboard, data requests, custom data requests, Tableau, GSE, Program Profiles, RADAR, IDE, data analysis 
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Nick S. in Graduate School
Graduate School