Projects - MMC Relocation Workflow
This is a summary of the workflow for relocating MMC materials from Memorial Library to the Verona Shelving Facility (VSF)
PRESERVATION NOTE: If you are ever working on Print Negatives (reels with "P" at the end of their call number) you should wear white gloves to protect the master from oily residue from your skin.
All remaining microfilm in the MMC will be relocated to make room for future expansion of other library facilities into the vault space. This work will be performed using the following workflow:
- Take a book cart up to the vault and pull boxes of microfilm from the vault. Make sure to pull boxes in call number order.
- Bring the cart back to a computer station in the basement. and select a box of microfilm to examine. Work in call number order so that you can keep track of what you have already worked on.
- Open the box and test both the inside of the lid and wrapper (if included) for acidity using a PH testing marker. If the marker shows as purple, the box and/or wrapper is not acidic and you can proceed with verification. If the marker shows as clear or yellow, the box and/or wrapper is acidic. Acidic boxes and/or wrappers will need to be replaced from the supply in the basement. Write the call number and enumeration/chronology ( dates and volume/issue numbers, if listed) on the new box. You do not need to record any additional information such as title, author, etc. A new label will be made if the item is ever requested from storage. There only needs to be enough information to identify the reel if the barcode label falls off.
IMPORTANT: If you change a barcode on an item at any point (including changing out an acidic box) you need to cut and paste the old barcode into the "internal note 2" field of the item record and save it. This preserves the barcode history for statistical purposes.
NOTE: If the box supply is running low, notify a supervisor so that more can be ordered before the stockpile runs out. - Find the bibliographic record for the item in ALMA (see Viewing a Bibliographic Record). If there is not a barcode to search on the microfilm box, search for the item by the call number using a Physical Titles > Call Number search in ALMA. If you get more than one result with the same call number, the item either has a title change or host record that will need to be dealt with using the detailed instructions below.
- If the reel is a user copy, (the call number does not have a "P" at the end) verify that the master negative copy (if any) is not still in "relocation." If it is, and there are no other problems, place the item on the "User Copies Needed for Negative Project" cart. If there are other problems, add a note that the item needs to be retained for the Negative Project along with information about the other problems before placing it on a problem cart.
- Check the following fields on the bibliographic record and make sure that they are correct. These fields should all be on the record, but you should only verify what you can cross-reference with the label. If any of these fields are completely missing, flag the item.
100/110/111 -- Author
245 -- Title Statement
260/264 -- Publication and Distribution Information
If the item is a serial or monographic (multi-volume) serial, also check:
300 - Physical Description
362 - Publication Date Range*
*This field only needs to be checked if the 300 field does not adequately describe the items. Do not flag an item for a 300 or 362 error as long as the reels fall somewhere within the listed dates
If the reel has any title changes, also check the following fields for each record to make sure they accurately reflect the title changes:
780 - Preceding Entry
785 - Proceeding Entry
If there is a title change, you should also check the 852 field of the holding record for a $$z note detailing what additional titles are filmed on the reel. If this note is missing, from any holding records that encompass title changes, flag all items that fall within the range of the title change as problems.
example of a title filmed with two others: "Filmed with: American Cheesemakers Journal. -- Journal of the Society of American Cheesemakers." Note that titles contain only the 245 $$a information, end with a "." and are separated by two dashes (--)
All item records that cover title changes should only be attached to the holding that corresponds to the oldest title on the reel. However, the enumeration, chronology, and description on the item record should encompass ALL items on the reel. Any additional item records (that are likely just "b" barcode records) from later titles on the reel should be deleted. DO NOT delete the holdings record. It will serve as a signpost in the catalog for patrons through the $$z note. If you do not have permission to delete a later item record, place a note in the reel and set it on the cart for problems.
If the item is a Thesis, also check:
500/502 -- General Note/Dissertation Note
Note: The 260/264 field(s) are incomplete on most thesis records since their publication information is unknown. The publication year, if listed, should match the 500/502 field.
Host Records
There are many reels in the MMC that have multiple titles recorded on them. Since ALMA only allows for a single instance of a barcode, it is impossible to attach item records to every item on these reels. To solve this problem, ALMA uses "boundwith" records. These records link multiple titles together using a single record. When titles are tied to a boundwith record, they show up as "related," which allows patrons to request the item and simultaneously marks all linked items as being checked out.
To verify a host record, you need to make sure the linking is correct. To do this, click the "related records" link under the Physical tab of the bib record. Verify that all of the items that appear on the list are contained on the reel. If there is an elipses on the reel (...) then you only need to check for the title(s) that are listed. If there are any missing or extra titles, note them and place the reel on the problem cart.
It is also common to find reels that need to have host records made for them. Any time that you get a search result for a reel that lists multiple titles with the same call number that do not have a title change, all of the items for the title should be placed on the "Host problems" cart unless additional problems are found and flagged above. - If there are any errors in the fields above, place a note flag detailing the problem, then return the item to the box. Highlight the bottom edge of the labeled side of any larger boxes (the ones that hold 12 reels each) that contain problem items.
- If the reel is part of a set:
Open the item record (see for the reel and verify the enumeration, chronology, and description match the box. If any of the fields do not match, update them. If you are unsure about how enumeration, chronology and descriptions should be formatted, see "Creating Item Records" below.
Once the item record is verified, attach a barcode to the bottom side of the box on the narrow edge, opposite the label (or just on a narrow edge if the item was re-boxed due to acidity). Scan the barcode into the "barcode" field to save and finalize the changes to the item record. If an item record does not exist, you should create one attached to the holdings that match the call number on the reel. You should do this for each reel in the set.
IMPORTANT: If there are any problems with a set, make sure to place the entire set of items on the problem cart (including any items with notes from checking the bibliographic record). Sets need to be kept together when they are corrected so that the cataloger can consider the complete context of the title.
If the reel is not part of a set:
Open the item record (see for the reel and attach a barcode to the bottom side of the box on the narrow edge, opposite the label. Labels and/or written descriptions should be on the narrow edge that faces up if you hold the tabbed side of the box in your right hand with the tab facing towards you. Scan the barcode into the "barcode" field to save and finalize the changes to the item record. - Once you have finished checking a cart of material bring all items that were not flagged to B124 and tray them using the VSF microfilm trays. Make sure the boxes are arranged with their barcodes facing up (towards the lid of the box). Scan the barcodes of the trayed microfilm into the spreadsheet.
- Bring the highlighted boxes containing the remaining problem items to the vault and re-shelve them in call number order. Make sure the highlighter is visible. A cataloger will be going through these items in the future and they will need an easy way to identify issues,
If there is not an item record corresponding to a reel that you have, you will need to create one. You will also need to enter enumeration, chronology, and a description according to information from the holding record.
Creating a New Item
- from the holdings screen, click the "View Items" button in the "..." menu corresponding to the holding that you want to add an item to (even if there are no item records).
- From the list of items, select "Add Item." The Physical Item Editor displays.
- Enter the following information into the corresponding fields:
Material Type: Microform
Item Policy: No Loan
Enumeration A/B: [Enter the information from the reel that corresponds with 853 $$a/$$b from the holding record]
Chronology I/J: [Enter the information from the reel that corresponds with 853 $$i/$$j from the holding record]
Barcode: [attach a barcode to the reel's box on one of the narrow edges and scan it] - Save and close the item record.
Observe the following conventions when transcribing enumeration, chronology, and descriptions from a reel into an item record.
- IMPORTANT: If there are already items in the holding record you are adding an item to, copy the formatting that is already in use. Ignore the additional notes below. You do not need to do cleanup on existing item records unless information is completely omitted (i.e.,there is a year number listed on the reel but no chronology is entered).
- The "Generate" button does not usually format the description correctly. You should update the description so that it matches the existing formatting or if that is unclear, use the 863 field(s) in the holding record.
- All chronology information should be enclosed in parentheses.
- Different levels of enumeration and chronology should be separated by a ":".
- Regardless of what is recorded on the reel, the description should only have "v." as a descriptor for the enumeration. Things like issue numbers are considered implied by the ":".
- If an item as incomplete, note that it is incomplete ONLY in the description by ending with "(inc.)." Treat the enumeration and chronology as if it encompasses the complete listed time period and/or volume numbers not taking into account the missing units.
- Do not use reel numbers as enumeration and/or chronology unless no other identifying information is included on the reel's label.
- If the 853/863 fields are not descriptive enough to figure out what information should go in each item record field, use the following format as a general guide for data entry:
- Enumeration A: volume numbers (i.e. v.1-7 should be entered as 1-7)
- Enumeration B: issue numbers (i.e. no.25-30 should be entered as 25-30)
- Chronology I: Years (i.e. 1995-1996)
- Chronology J: Months (i.e February-August should be entered as Feb.-Aug.)
- Description: Combine the data in all four of the fields above as completely as possible using the format: "v.[Enumeration A]:[Enumeration B] ([Chronology I:Chronology K)]
Item Record Examples
You have a reel in hand with a label that reads: v.1-10, issues no. 1-5, 1990 Mar.-Apr.
You have a reel in hand with a label that reads: v.1-10, issues no. 1-5, 1990 Mar.-Apr.
- The 853 field in the holding includes the following information: |a v. |b no. |i (yr) |j (mo)
- Your item record should be:
- Enumeration A: 1-10
- Enumeration B: 1-5
- Chronology I: 1990
- Chronology J: Mar.-Apr.
- Description: v.1-10:1-5 (1990:Mar.-Apr.)
- The 853 field in the holding includes the following information: |a t. |b no. |i (year) |j (month) |k (day)
- Your item record should be:
- Enumeration A: 1-2
- Enumeration B: 1-12
- Chronology I: 1812-1813
- Chronology J: Feb.-Apr.
- Chronology K: 13-1
- Description: v.1:1-v.2:12 (1812:Feb. 13-1813:Apr. 1)
Sample Records:
If you are unsure of what the common verification problems described above look look like, refer to these records as examples. Look them up using a call number search in ALMA. All records listed also have a sample reel on the office shelf so that you can see what their labels look like for for reference identifying problems.
If you are unsure of what the common verification problems described above look look like, refer to these records as examples. Look them up using a call number search in ALMA. All records listed also have a sample reel on the office shelf so that you can see what their labels look like for for reference identifying problems.
- Host Records
- Correct Host Record: Micro Film 3929P
- All items listed on the reel show up under "related records"
- No additional titles show up when you search for the record by call number.
- Missing (incorrect) Host Record: Micro Film 4337P
- Multiple records have the same call number.
- There is no host record relating the reels.
- There are multiple item records for the same reel (without barcodes attached).
- Title Change
- Incorrect Title Change: Micro Film 4136P
- The records are missing 780/785 fields to relate them.
- There are no "filmed with" notes in the holding records.
- Correct Title Change: Micro Film 4397p
- 780/785 fields are included to relate records.
- OCLC numbers and titles are in 780/785 fields.
- Both holdings have appropriate "filmed with" notes in the 852 fields.