Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-19-19
Approved 9/26/19
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 2019
53 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg, chair; Tim Dalby; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Russell Dimond, Ana Garic, Ron Harris, Helena Manning, Brooke Norsted, Karl Scholz, Jake Smith, Matt Stillman, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of September 5, 2019 were approved.
General Reports
Jenny Dahlberg, ASEC chair, reported she met with Don Schutt about having a TTC forum for the west-end CASIs. They are planning for an October meeting. The topic for the forum would be how to prepare employees for conversations with supervisors. A welcome back email is going out to campus. The Shared Governance Reception will be on October 16 from 3:00-4:30 in Great Hall of Memorial Union. There is an Assembly Skills Workshop in two weeks. There is a group writing policies and procedures for research assistants (RA). Jenny is serving on that group.
Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that Steve Smith has resigned as Secretary of the Faculty. She participated along with the other governance groups in an Extension Exchange teleconference about shared governance at UW-Madison. The committee looking at Professor of Practice met for a second time. They plan to survey department chairs about how they use these types of positions currently. There is a sense that there is a wide variety of uses depending on the discipline. Heather and Jake discussed how to change over Assembly districts midway through the year with the TTC switch of titles on March 1. The proposed plan is to have representatives/alternates represent their current districts at the March meeting and then switch over for the April meeting. Anyone serving as a representative/alternate will continuing serving through the end of their current appointment. The proposal has been made to the Districting and Representation Committee.
Liaison Reports
Deb Shapiro reported that the Shared Governance TTC Advisory Committee met. They received a preview of a document about salary guidelines. The library of Standard Job Descriptions will be made available in early November.
Tim Dalby met with ASM leadership last week. They are very interested in working with academic staff. Also there were two presentations about academic staff governance and the plan for a new CASI to Wisconsin Public Television and Wisconsin Public Radio.
Guest: Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer
Mark Walters shared that he has been in the role officially for four months and has served in this role previously as an interim. They are working on a number of things internally. There are 110 people in the Office of Human Resources, and Diane Blaskowski, Patrick Sheehan and Lynn Freeman serve on the leadership team. They are working on an OHR 2025 plan that would position the unit to provide services and consultation. The plan has three pillars: how do we drive and support current and future initiatives; how to continue to evolve the business model by building competencies within the human resources community and moving the Office of Human Resources to providing an audit function; and creating centers of excellence within the Office of Human Resources. This may include creating a concierge service including executive recruiting.
He recognizes the need to keep current programs going as you work on strategic priorities.
Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
ASEC shared concerns with the Provost about implementation of the youth protection policy. ASEC indicated they had met with Jeff Russell about these concerns at the last ASEC meeting and were planning to work with those in his office to talk about concerns and whether they could be addressed.
The Provost shared he would be discussing the Title and Total Compensation Project with the Dean’s Council. He also talked with ASEC about the draft guidelines for the teaching professor. He had two concerns. One concern was about the degree requirement, and another about the job duties and how much emphasis if any should be placed around scholarship of teaching.
• TTC Discussion
ASEC came up with a list of items that they feel still need clarification regarding TTC. They will further refine this list as an upcoming meeting. There was a discussion about a possible resolution for the Assembly.
• Youth Protection Discussion
ASEC and guests compiled a list of areas of concern. They also reviewed a letter from the Science Alliance addressing those concerns. ASEC will consider how to move things forward at an upcoming meeting.
• ASPP Changes
ASEC looked at changes to Chapter 6 and 9 to address a Legislative Audit Bureau audit. The change to Chapter 6 would allow appeals of dismissal of renewable appointments to go to the Board of Regents. The Chapter 9 change signifies the Academic Staff Appeals Committee as the impartial hearing officer. Changes will go to the Assembly in October.
• October Assembly Agenda
The Chancellor is scheduled to speak as well as Employee Assistance. There will be two voting items, ASPP changes and a resolution regarding Our Shared Future.
• Topics for Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Priorities for online undergrad courses
Bucky’s Tuition Promise-strengths
Our Shared Future
DCF/Block Grants
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
ATP update
Communication strategy for the office
Meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff