Kaltura - Known Issue - NetID Change Causes User to Lose Access to Media [UW-Madison]

When a UW-Madison user's netid changes that user's media is no longer viewable to them in Kaltura MediaSpace. This document describes the cause and workaround.

Once a UW-Madison user's netid changes, there is no automated system to update a user's information in Kaltura. A user's media needs to be manually assigned ownership to the user's new netid. Learn@UW-Madison works to proactively catch netid changes and assign media to the user's new netid, but it is possible a user will notice this prior to Learn@UW-Madison catching this.


This affects any user who has had their netid change and uploads and uses media in Kaltura MediaSpace.


This issue is present and will exist until an automated system for updating netids in Kaltura is developed.


If a user notices that their media has disappeared in Kaltura MediaSpace and changed their netid, the user should contact the DoIT Help Desk and ask to be escalated to the Learn@UW-Madison team so the Kaltura system administrator can manually reassign their media back to them and their new netid.

KeywordsKaltura, netid, change, media, display, ownership, own, user, login, media   Doc ID94721
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2019-09-30 09:18:03Updated2023-12-20 14:35:42
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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