Invoice Processing--All Invoices

Instructions for processing invoices in general

Paper Copy of Invoice

  • Stamps:

    • Deposit account payments need only one copy and should be stamped “DEPOSIT ACCOUNT.”

    • Anything paid in advance of receipt must have a “PREPAID” stamp.

    • Approval invoices must be stamped “APPROVALS.”

    • Date Stamps:

  • Stamp open space in the lower right corner if possible; if not, use other open space on the front of the invoice.

  • Annotate each line on the stamp with month/date/year and initials as described below:

  • Mat. Received:  Note when any material was received at the library (NOT necessarily the date that it is "received" in the Acquisitions Dept. or Alma).  If processing the invoice before material is received, as in the case of pre-payments or most subscriptions, enter "N. A."

  • Inv. Received: This is the date that the person stamping the invoice received the invoice.  For example, if it is a mailed invoice, the date the mail was processed/routed, or if it is an emailed invoice, the date the email was sent. If necessary, add a note regarding exceptional circumstances. 

  • Completed:  The date that invoice processing staff finished the invoice in Alma and submitted it to the Invoices for Accounting basket.

  • Reviewed:  The date that Acquisitions Financial staff reviewed the invoice and passed it to the Acquisitions Head.

  • Due Date:  In general this is not used unless the due date differs greatly from the standard 30-day due date.  The vendor this most commonly applies to is GOBI; for GOBI invoices, invoice creation staff should fill out this field.  Acquisitions Financial staff may also fill out this field for other vendors, if necessary.  

Invoice Creation in Alma

  • Owner: 

    • If creating Manually, choose Memorial Library (EXCEPTION:  If the PO Line owner is not “Memorial Library”, choose University of Wisconsin Madison as the invoice owner.)

    • If creating from PO, the owner will import from the PO (NOTE:  If the PO Owner is other than Memorial Library, do NOT use create from PO method).

  • Invoice number:

    • Input as written on invoice, omitting ampersands, apostrophes, and asterisks

    • Non-PCard Invoices with No Invoice Number:  If there is no invoice number on the invoice, the date the invoice was received should be used in its place (Date stamp "RECD" line). It should take the form of the letters 'DP' followed by date as YYMMDD, e.g. DP170521.

  • Vendor Account: If creating an invoice Manually, select the appropriate account when a Vendor has two or more. Most Vendors in Alma have only one Account.  The Account will be the Vendor’s name unless we specifically created an account with a different name. If creating from POL this usually will fill in automatically.

  • Payment method – Choose Accounting Department.

  • Always check the Pro-Rata box. 

  • Invoice lines: Enter information for the specific titles on the invoice.  

Special Instructions for Subscriptions and Other Continuations:

  • Releasing encumbrances:  

    • For subscriptions/annuals/continuations GENERALLY paid once per year or less, check the Release Remaining Encumbrance box on the line item page for each title.  Use your discretion and inspect past payment history to see if the title is generally paid once per year or multiple times.  

    • For titles we pay multiple times a year, or when you are processing a supplemental invoice, do not check the Release Remaining Encumbrance unless it is too close to the end of the Fiscal Year to expect another payment.  

    • NOTE:  if the invoiced price differs from the encumbrance (which is the usual situation), the operator must use the "Redistribute Lines" command before the Release Remaining Encumbrance checkbox will activate.

  • If paying for a subscription for a full year, make sure to check the Check subscription date overlap box if the invoice provides a specific subscription period.  

  • If a subscriotion invoice provides both a subscription period AND volume/issue information, enter both.

  • Shipping and Service Charges:  

    • Subscriptions or other pre-paid serials:

      • If invoice notes line-by line shipping/processing charges, add the charges to the line items.

      • If invoice notes lump-sum service charges, add the charge as a separate line item of type “Other”.

      • If invoice notes lump-sum shipping charges, click the "Use Pro rata" box on the Invoice Summary tab and add the shipping charge in the "Shipment amount" box.

    • For monographs and standing orders, add a separate shipping invoice line after the other item invoice lines:

      • Line item type: Other

      • PO Line:  [Leave blank]

      • Reporting code:  4950

      • Fund: POSTAGE

  • Finishing the invoice:

  • If finished processing the invoice, click SAVE, then under ‘Actions’ choose ‘Release Assignment’.  Do not choose SAVE AND CONTINUE as this action changes the Invoice Status to In approval.  (If not yet finished with an invoice or holding it for further action, click SAVE to retain in your task list as“Assigned to Me.”)

  • Place your invoice documentation in the Invoice basket the same day you “Release assignment.”

  • Print a copy of the “Summary” invoice details screen.  (Do not take screen shots; instead, use your browser’s print feature.)  

Invoices Returned for Corrections:

  • Finish the corrections by the next working day (i.e., treat as “rush”).

  • Release Assignment.
  • Resubmit the documentation to the Invoice basket when finished.

invoice, invoices,deposit account, approval, approvals, blanket orders, continuations, standing order, subscription
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Owned by:
Leia V. in Libraries
UW-Madison Libraries