Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-05-06

Minutes approved May 6, 2019

Faculty Senate, May 6, 2019
All agenda items (PDF) 

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. with 138 voting members present (109 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Allen Bringe (Faculty Document 2824), Professor Emeritus Kemal H. Karpat (Faculty Document 2825), and Professor Emeritus William Stuart Sykes (Faculty Document 2826). The 2018-2019 Hilldale Awards were presented to: Arts and Humanities Division: Professor Jin-Wen Yu (Dance), Biological Sciences Division: Professor Linda Schuler (Comparative Biosciences), Physical Sciences Division: Professor Ellen Zweibel (Astronomy), Social Sciences Division: Professor Patricia Devine (Psychology).

Chancellor Blank reported on the upcoming commencement ceremonies, which will include honorary degrees for Tom Brock and Steve Miller. She also reported on the newly created American Family Data Science Institute, the latest round of cluster hires, and several faculty awards. She also provided updates on the state budget process, graduate student support, and several administrative searches. She concluded by acknowledging departing-Provost Sarah Mangelsdorfs contributions and dedication to this campus.

University Committee Chair Rick Amasino (University Committee, District 120, Biochemistry) summarized his year as chair, highlighting the return of Extension to campus, the Titling and Total Compensation project, and several other UC activities and efforts. The Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-04-01 were approved with one correction. Chancellor Blank called attention to Faculty Document 2827, which summarizes the results of the Spring 2019 faculty committee general elections. She also called attention to the annual report for the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (CURAFA, Faculty Document 2828).

Professor Joe Kemnitz (District 83, Cell & Regenerative Biology) presented the annual report for the Archives Committee (Faculty Document 2829). Professor Steve Ventura (University Committee, District 120, Soil Science) reported on the creation of an academic department to house faculty from Cooperative Extension (Faculty Document 2830). Dean of Continuing Studies Jeff Russell (Civil & Environmental Engineering) reported on the incorporation of the Department of Labor Education into the Division of Continuing Studies (Faculty Document 2831). There were no questions or comments on any of these presentations.

Professor Amasino moved to refer Faculty Document 2821 (Approval of Possible Academic Staff Title: Professor of Practice) to an ad hoc committee. The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote with no discussion. Professor Amasino moved approval of Faculty Document 2822, which changes the method of appointment of certain members of the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee (CDCC). The motion passed unanimously by voice vote with no discussion.

Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 4:25 p.m.

Steven K. Smith

Secretary of the Faculty


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