Changing Dual Monitor Configuration on a Raspberry Pi

Instructions for configuring the monitor arrangement and display settings on Raspberry Pi 4

Launch the User Configuration Page

  1. Click on the menu button on the left side of the taskbar.
  2. Then click "configuration" from the menu.
  3. Finally, click "User Config" from the system administration window.
    configuration menu
  4. After you click "User Config" you will be able to access any settings that your system administrator has allowed the end user to customize. The image below shows some of the options, but note that new options could appear in the future.
    user config options

Changing Display Settings

display settings

Display Resolution

It may be necessary to manually change the display resolution of your monitor if the Raspberry Pi does not automatically detect it. You can view all the supported resolutions for your monitor and the Raspberry Pi's hardware by clicking on the dropdown to see the options. Choose the resolution that makes the most sense for your setup.

Monitor Position

The monitor position or arrangement can be changed by updating the parameter for "Secondary monitor position". Note that the 'Primary' monitor will be the one with the taskbar and the 'Secondary' monitor will not have a taskbar. It is arbitrary which monitor your Raspberry Pi will initially choose to be the 'Primary' monitor.

Changing Primary Monitor

You can choose which monitor your Raspberry Pi deems the 'Primary' monitor. This is helpful once you have the arrangement set up (see previous heading) if you would like to choose which is the 'Primary' monitor. The 'Primary' monitor is the one with the taskbar and where applications will launch by default.

dual monitorsAn example of using dual monitors on the Raspberry Pi thin client

Keywordsraspberry, pi, monitor, config, configuration, display, settings, change, modify, user, dual, two, 2   Doc ID94948
OwnerCody G.GroupSocial Science Computing Cooperative
Created2019-10-11 10:21:26Updated2020-11-05 15:08:45
SitesSocial Science Computing Cooperative
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