University Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-09-09
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved 09/16/2019Minutes
for September 9, 2019
approved September 16, 2019
UC members present: Campagnola, Halverson,
Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
Others present: Jack O’Meara, Michelle Felber, Amol Goyal, Jake Smith, and several members of the Teaching Assistants Association, including Jacqueline Goldstein and Robert Christi
Chair Terry Warfield called the
meeting to order at 1:32.
The minutes of the meeting of
August 26, 2019, were approved. PROFS lobbyist Jack O’Meara reported that there
is an effort again to ban the use of aborted fetal tissue in research or any
other purpose (“fetal tissue bill”) and they are watching a bill about the
transferability of credit. The November PROFS steering committee meeting will
have an update from the federal lobbyist.
Graduate School Dean Bill Karpus highlighted
the program developments listed in the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee
(GFEC) report for 2018-2019: there are many “131 programs”
(revenue-generating). The 3-year check-ins for 131 programs reveal a lack of
diversity in the students which GFEC is trying to address from the beginning by promoting wide access to new programs. Karpus
also had an update on the Biological Sciences working group to address
structural issues in graduate level course: recruitment, size (are mergers
possible?), emphasis areas, and strategic funding for students. This group will
compare with peer groups; November is the target report date. The Social
Sciences faculty is in the very early stages of planning a similar project.
Karpus gave an overview of being data
collected by various agencies to understand the career preferences of Ph.D.
students. This topic has a lot of traction nationally. See the Graduate School
website for regular updates (
Moving on to graduate student
government, Karpus reiterated that it resides with ASM, with 7 seats out of 33 on
the student council which some see as insufficient representation. The Graduate
School proposes to form a group similar to Dean of Students Advisory Board with
8 members, made up of the many varied types of graduate students: fields and
formats (e.g. online and in person). There was some discussion with the TAA
representatives in the room.
Chancellor Rebecca Blank noted that
the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education search and screen
committee is meeting and active, and she touched on the US News college
rankings in which UW-Madison moved from #49 to #46, though slightly misleading
because the data is 2 years old and the perspective is limited to student
academics. UW-Madison graduation rates have improved.
Sandgren moved to convene in closed
session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel
matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:14 p.m. The chancellor and UC discussed a Secretary
of the Faculty search process, recommendations for appointments to the Dean of
Extension Division search and screen, appointments to the University Research
Council, and approved two role waivers.