Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-10-19

Approved 10/24/19

ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, October 10, 2019
220 Ingraham Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg, chair; Tim Dalby; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Guests: Diane Blaskowski, Suzanne Broadberry, Lindsay Carlos, Rob Fontella, Ana Garic, Ron Harris, Alyson Kim, Josh Knackert, Karl Martin, Kari Robbins, Jeff Russell, Hope Simon, Mark Walters, Tom Zinnen

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of October 3, 2019 were approved.

General Reports
Jenny Dahlberg, ASEC chair, reported that the first Academic Staff Chat of the year was held on performance evaluations for employees. Perception of the supervisor is key to the value of the review to the employee. Many attendees reported supervisors using the tool as a guide for the conversation, which is not its intent. A second chat for supervisors will be held next week.
Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that planning for the Academic Staff Institute has begun. The districting database project has begun. Coding for that project should begin at the end of October.

Liaison Reports
Bill Tishler reported that the Director of the Wisconsin Union spoke at the University Committee. They are working on providing summer employment to students taking classes on campus. The Chancellor reported that campus has received a silver STARS rating.

Guest: Diane Blaskowski, Office of Human Resources (Title and Total Compensation Project)
Diane Blaskowski reported that they have added one additional forum on November 11. There was discussion about whether the title library being released early. Diane said she would need to check with IT about this. The Office of Human Resources will be looking at alignment. 

For mapping, they have completed at least 38%. They are holding daily labs for specific areas or general help. They have added 47 titles so far. 

They are creating 5-6 vignettes to be used in manager training. They hope to create a video and checklist for managers to have titling conversations with employees.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointments to Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, Disability Access and Inclusion Committee, Mentoring Committee, Professional Development and Recognition Committee, Information Technology Committee and Campus Climate and Diversity Committee. (Cole). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to Convene in Open Session. (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to appoint Nicole Senter, Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee; Sara Scott, Disability Access and Inclusion Committee; Brian Asen, Mentoring Committee; Simon Blaine-Sauer, Mentoring Committee; Angela Kita, Professional Development and Recognition Committee; Elizabeth Harris, Information Technology Committee and Jorge Cardona, Campus Climate and Diversity Committee (Stoddard Cameron).  Seconded. Approved.

November Assembly Agenda
There is a request from United Faculty and Academic Staff (UFAS) to speak at the Assembly. Heather will invite TTC to present.

Topics for Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
ATP update
DoIT cuts
Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Academic Staff Chats
Retention Committee on faculty

Guest: Karl Martin, Interim Dean of Extension
Dean Karl Martin has been at Extension for five years including three years as Dean. 1912 if the origin of the National Extension program. Nearly all states have extension affiliated with the land grant institution. Extension moved from UW-Madison in 1965. They are currently working on rebranding and adding UW-Madison to signs.

Extension worked on the areas of youth, agriculture and family in the 1940s. The area of nature resources was added in the 1980-90’s and wellness added most recently.

About 3.5 years ago, UW-Extension began a major reorganization. The current leadership team for Extension includes 3 Associate Deans and 2 Assistant Deans. Funding is provided by the federal government, state, county and tribal partnerships. The state portion of funding is the largest. They have approximately 750 total employees including specialists who work at other UW System institutions. There are about 115 faculty and over 400 academic staff. The counties provide space, travel funding, office support and salary support. 

Guests: Hope Simon and Jeff Russell, Division of Continuing Studies (Youth Protection Policy)
Dean Jeff Russell agreed that forming an ad hoc committee with stakeholders sounds like a good way to move forward. This group could look at implementation issues and produce guidelines and frequently asked questions. They could also produce a taxonomy of youth programs offered on campus. Division of Continuing Studies could help with meeting logistics. 

Dean Russell shared that a human resources group was formed this summer and has been working on those issues. He and Hope are meeting with them on October 21 to hear their proposals and recommendations. 

Bill and Heather will write a charge for the ad hoc committee.

Meeting adjourned at 4:44 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID95292
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2019-10-25 15:13:49Updated2020-07-13 11:16:16
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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