Risk Management - Injury & Incident Reporting - What are Low-Risk Incidents?

A "low risk" incident is one where the impact to an Extension Volunteer(s), Extension Program Participant(s), or third party is both minor and temporary. Low-risk incidents should not require a report to Risk Management.

Examples of Low-Risk Incidents

  • Minor injuries e.g. scrapes or bumps to the body that do not require medical attention beyond basic first aid.
  • Non-communicable illnesses that result in a volunteer, program participant, or third party needing to sit out of an activity or to be sent home.
  • Behavioral problems, or verbal conflicts between participants, parents, or volunteers that necessitate staff or volunteer intervention.
  • Other incidents at the discretion of the Extension Employee that do not rise to the level of a high-risk incident. 

Note: There is some grey area within these examples that will require an employee to use professional judgement. When in doubt, treat an incident as "high risk."

Risk Management - Injury & Incident Reporting - Using Professional Judgement for Reporting 

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Nathaniel S. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook