Setting Up Network Printers (Windows)

This article explains how to set up network printers in Windows.

If you are not plugged into the wired network in the Sewell Social Science Building, you first need to establish a VPN connection to the SSCC network. Please see Connecting to the SSCC Network via VPN before connecting to SSCC printers.

Adding a Printer

Managed Machines Personal Devices (Unmanaged Machines)

First, click the Start (or Windows logo) button and then type \\print in the Search programs and files (or just Run) box.

Connecting to print

First, click the Start (or Windows logo) button and then type \\ in the Search programs and files (or just Run) box.

Connecting to print

When prompted to authenticate, use your SSCC username and password. You must either prepend "PRIMO\" or append the suffix "" to your username.


This will open a window showing all the printers on print, the SSCC's print server.
Printer list

To connect to a printer, simply double-click on it. A window will open showing the printer's current queue. You can close this window and the printer will still be available when you go to print.

Most of these are for particular departments or groups.

Setting Your Default Printer

To set your default printer, click Start (or the Windows logo button), and search for Devices and Printers.  

You'll then get a list of printers that have been set up on your computer.

Default printer checkmark

The one with the small check-mark on it is your current default printer. To make a different printer the default, right-click on it and select Set as Default Printer.

Note that if you log in to Winstat from your computer, Citrix Workspace will make your default printer available from within your Winstat session.

setup, connect, map, network, printer, printers, windows 
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Russell D. in Social Science Computing Cooperative
Social Science Computing Cooperative