Risk Management - Injury & Incident Reporting - Using Professional Judgement for Reporting

Professional Judgement: Applying relevant training, knowledge, and experience to solve problems and make decisions about the best course of action for the circumstance. If you are still unsure, escalate to your supervisor.

Using Professional Judgement for Reporting Injuries & Incidents

Employees should use professional judgement when determining whether an injury/incident is "high-risk" and should be escalated up the Extension phone tree and reported to Risk Management.

Questions to ask when determining the whether an injury/incident is "High-Risk"

Use the high-risk injury/incident response workflow if the answer is "yes" to any of these questions. 

  1. Did the injury/incident occur during an extension program, event, or activity? 
  2. If the injury/incident happened in a "gray area" - could someone reasonably presume that it was related to an Extension program, event, or activity?
  3. Could the injury/incident be construed to be Extension's responsibility?
  4. If the injury/incident ended up in the news, could it be damaging to Extension and UW-Madison's reputation?

Report a High-Risk Injury/Incident

Get Help

Questions? Contact hr@extension.wisc.edu.

Keywordshigh-risk,escalation,supervisor,problem,solving   Doc ID96443
OwnerNathaniel S.GroupExtension Handbook
Created2019-12-05 14:58:08Updated2021-12-21 16:47:51
SitesExtension Handbook
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