Faculty Center - Grade Roster Tips


Useful tips for entering and updating grades in Grade Rosters, Packaged Grade Rosters and XL-MW Grade Rosters.


For grading assistance, email registrar@em.wisc.edu or call (608) 262-3811.

For a list of valid grades, visit the Office of the Registrar's website.

Grade Roster icon Grade Roster Tips

  • Read the bold blue instructions; they change based on the grade roster status.
  • Check Display Unassigned Roster Grade Only to view student that still need grades.
  • To enter the same grade for all, select grade and click add this grade to all students.
  • To see a list of valid grade entries, click on the magnifying glass, click Look Up, and select the grade.
  • Use the Export and Import feature to enter grades in Excel.
  • When entering grades, use [Tab] key to move forward and [Shift] + [Tab] keys to move backwards.
  • Click Save occasionally to make sure data is not lost.
  • To email a student directly, click their underlined name.

    Grade Roster screenshot of Marketing 700

Packaged Grade Roster icon Packaged Grade Roster / Xl-MW Grade Roster icon XL-MW Grade Roster Tips

  • Submit button is at the bottom of the page.
  • Use Submit button to Submit to Registrar.
  • Once grades have been submitted, there is no way to return to "Ready for Grading" status on the Packaged or XL-MW grade rosters.
    If grades have to be changed after submission but before the nightly submission of grades, go to the individual section's Grade Roster.
  • Read the bold blue instructions; they change based on the grade roster status.
  • Check Display Unassigned Roster Grade Only to view student that still need grades.
  • To enter the same grade for all, select grade and click add this grade to all students.
  • To see a list of valid grade entries, click on the magnifying glass, click Look Up, and select the grade.
  • Use the Export and Import feature to enter grades in Excel. Faculty Center - Export and Import Grades
  • When entering grades, use [Tab] key to move forward and [Shift] + [Tab] keys to move backwards.
  • Click Save occasionally to make sure data is not lost.
  • To email a student directly, click their underlined name.

    Packaged or XL-MW Grade Roster screenshot of Math 214

Keywords25Live, add, change, course (courses, class), course search and enroll, dars (DARS), degree (degrees, degree planner), drop, gpa (GPA), hold, honors, indicators, name, permission, plan (plans, planner), record (records), requisite (prerequisite), schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS), swap, textbook (textbooks), transcript, transfer, wait (waitlist, wait list), withdraw (withdrawal)   Doc ID96707
OwnerDanielle C.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2019-12-18 10:48:24Updated2024-05-30 14:42:24
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar
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