SoundCloud - Request an Extension SoundCloud Account

This documents the current podcast recommendations for the Division of Extension.


  • Soundcloud is the recommended hosting service for audio files and podcasts. You are able to embed SoundCloud files into your WordPress site by simply pasting in the SoundCloud file's URL. 
  • Please note that Soundcloud's free service allows for a maximum of 6 hours of audio to be stored on their site. For more than that, you will need to purchase an annual license.

Please note that due to changes within SoundCloud's account structure, Extension is currently looking at other options for Podcast hosting. Please reach out directly to Tony Roman with any questions about Podcast hosting prior to completing this form.

Request an Extension SoundCloud Account

  • The Division of Extension has established a workflow and process for assisting you in setting up and configuring your SoundCloud account as well as some best practices for getting started with using SoundCloud.
  • Please note that you will need to have a transcript available for your podcast in order to be compliant with accessibility requirements. 
If you are interested in getting started or learning more, please fill out the following form and a member of the Office of Digital Solutions team will set up a time to assist you.

Complete this form to get started!

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Owned by:
Tony R. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook