WiscIT - January 10th Changes to Problem Classifications
What's Changing?
On January 10th, changes will go live in WiscIT that will remove Service and Subcategory from Problem, replacing them with Technical Service. Currently, the Problem form looks like this:

Moving forward, the Problem form will look like this:

How should I classify a problem?
Use the Technical Service selector to search for a Technical Service by keywords. Enter the full technical service name or a partial name, then hit enter on your keyboard. Note: For best results with partial strings, use % as a wildcard e.g. the string "Boreas%" will populate BoreasNet as the Technical Service.

If your search returns only one result, it will automatically populate the Technical Service field. If it returns multiple results (or zero results), a results list will appear. In the below image, a search for "Network" returns a large number of results (not all results are pictured here):

More Information
For the most part, "Category" closely matches the list of Technical Services in WiscIT. Therefore creating a problem will be similar to the way it has been. However, one set of outliers are the "Campus Network" Categories. In many cases, there is a technical service that matches the category, e.g. instead of the category "Campus Network DHCP" the Technical Service DHCP should be used. For some categories, e.g. "Campus Network Building", there is not a technical service that matches this category 100%. For Problems that would have historically used these categories, the technical service Network Access should be used.To view a list of all operational Technical Services:
- Open up the Search Manager via Searching > Search Manager
- Set the Search Manager Association to "Config - Technical Service"
- Open the Global folder
- Double click "All Operational Technical Services