University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-01-06
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved 01/13/2020Minutes for January 6, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson,
Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair)
UC member absent: Wolf
Others present: Heather Daniels, Michelle Felber, Amol Guyol, Yvonne Lee, Matt Mayrl, Jake Smith, Bill Tishler, as well as others listed below.
Chair Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:31.
The Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Steve Ackerman reported on a new position concerned with industry sponsored research—the recruitment is almost over. Each of the VCRGE centers get reviewed and reports go the University Research Council (URC). Work on updating the Institutional Research Boards (IRB) continues. The fall competition is complete and he’ll summarize winners next time. Initiative 2020 is out and under review. Library initiative to enhance collections is also under review now. Faculty Fellowship application are being taken until February 7. Biotron closing is moving along; still looking for places for everyone.
in for Charlie Hoslet, Tricia Nolan, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Marketing and
Brand Strategy, talked about the marketing strategy at the Rose Bowl. Five
percent of UW alumni are in California, and important to have a presence for
them and for prospective students. The “wine and cheese bet” got a lot of
social media attention; Oregon State and UW had several joint events,
particularly regarding research/academics, including global warming. Nolan
shared slides and a video with more details illustrating academic coverage. A
thoughtful discussion about college athletes and athletics ensued.
Chancellor Rebecca Blank also reminisced about
the Rose Bowl and the great Wisconsin turnout. Sadly, no game or wine was won: the
cheese was shipped to Oregon. The New York Times article about UW diversity was
disappointing, especially since the news was “old” and there was no mention of
recent initiatives to help; the deans and department chairs were sent a letter
to address questions they might get. Interviews for the Secretary of the
Faculty position are set up. Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Heller meets with schools and colleges in February/March to streamline and
standardize budget processes. A lively discussion ensued regarding university
cash reserves.
The minutes for December 16, 2019 were
approved as amended.
had a guest column in the Wisconsin State Journal in December on the UW System
president search. [handout]. The UC meeting during spring break, March 16, is
group discussed the February Faculty Senate agenda, including several updates to Faculty Policies and Procedures.
Halverson moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis.
Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; clock extensions; committee
appointments. It was seconded and passed at 3:06. The UC considered and
unanimously approved one tenure clock extension and one rule waiver; 2 other
rule waivers were sent back to the departments for more information. They received
an update on a grievance and discussed a hiring process.
Warfield moved to reconvene in open session to adjourn. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:51 p.m., at which point Warfield declared the meeting adjourned.