CloudFax - Getting Started

The CloudFax service allows you to send and receive faxes using your UW-Madison Office 365 email account. Learn more about the CloudFax service.

Learn how to use the CloudFax service below:

Additional links:

Video instructions

View a quick demo

Note: the video below does not have audio.

Step-by-step instructions

Send a fax

Important: Your account must be enabled for CloudFax before you can send a fax email.

  1. Compose a new email message.

  2. Select the From address: Your primary Office 365 account or the Office 365 service account associated with your fax number.

  3. Enter the fax number in the To: field as an email address.

    • For faxes sent inside North America, enter the Country Code ("1"), the area code, and the seven digit fax number followed by the domain.
      • Example: To send a fax to 608-xxx-xxxx, you'll want to enter the following in the To: field
    • For faxes sent outside North America, enter the international access code, 011, the country code, and the the remaining fax number followed by the domain.
      • Example: To send a fax to +551139580961, you'll want to enter the following in the To: field
  4. (Optional) Include a fax service generated Cover Page.

    Important: Sending through CloudFax no longer includes the sending fax number since you are not sending via a physical fax machine. If you want to provide your fax number to the recipient, add that information to the body of your email message you are sending.

    • If you enter text in the body of the email, the fax service will generate a cover page.
    • The text entered in the body of the email will populate the message of the cover page.
    • The text entered in the subject line of the email will populate in the Regarding: section of the cover page header.
    • View the default cover page here.
    • If you do not want the fax service to generate a cover page, then do not include text in the body of your email and make sure your auto-signature is removed.
  5. Attach the file to be faxed to your email.

    • Not required if fax service generates a cover page in step 3.
    • If file is not attached, then only a cover page will be faxed.
  6. Note: Do not digitally sign your fax email with your UW Digital ID. If you do, the fax will not successfully send and you may get an "Invalid attachment" error.

  7. Press Send.

  8. Periodically check either your Inbox or the Inbox of the service account associated with your fax number (ex: for fax status messages.
Receive a fax
  1. Check the inbox of the service account associated with your fax number (ex: for an email with an attached fax file. Please note, you will need access to the service account associated to the fax number to view incoming faxes.

  2. View, save, print, or forward the fax to any email address.

Request a new fax number

If your department needs a new fax number, please submit your request here.

Common error messages

"Invalid email address" - This indicates that you have not registered the email address from which you are attempting to send a fax. See the following article: CloudFax - Enable Office 365 Account to Send Faxes.

"Voice answer detected" - The phone number you entered was connected to a phone instead of a fax machine. Check the fax number and resend.

"Number of retries exceeded" -  This indicates that the dialed fax number was busy for an extended period of time, and numerous attempts to connect failed as a result. Try again later.

"Invalid attachment" - The file attached to the email message was not one of the supported file types. Will occur if you digitally sign your fax email. View supported file types.

View the complete list of error messages when sending a fax email.

Fax Online User Guide

View the fax online user guide.

Keywordscloud fax cloudfax concord email efax start how do i use o365 m365 microsoft 365 office email mfp multi functional printer support help quick start getting started receive fax common error messages send fax cover page request new number invalid attachment digital ID   Doc ID97484
OwnerCloudFax S.GroupCloudFax
Created2020-01-29 19:41:25Updated2023-02-02 09:28:48
SitesCloudFax, DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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