Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 1-9-20

Approved 1/23/20

ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 9, 2020
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole, Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; 
Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Diane Blaskowski, Ron Harris, Charles Meyer, Karl Scholz, Jake Smith, Ray Taffora, Mark Walters

The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m.

The minutes of December 19, 2019 were approved.

General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC chair, reported that the Mentoring Committee will hold a March 4 event and then a wrap-up event on May 5. The Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee discussed the disability accommodation policy as well as proposed changes to probationary periods for those adding supervisory responsibilities to their position.

Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that the committee working on the Youth Protection Policy asked for an extension until March, which was granted. The Selection Committee for the Athletic Board met and are on track to send out a call in February asking for nominations for the board. ASEC needs to fill one seat on the Protest Administrative Review Team. This group meets each semester. Heather will send out a call early in the semester for nominations. Heather discussed an orphaned policy on concealed carry that was endorsed by the Assembly and Faculty Senate. ASEC advised keeping the policy as a governance policy.

Jenny Dahlberg reported that she attended an in person TTC training for supervisors. The first UW System meeting regarding biweekly payroll was cancelled. 

Bill Tishler reported that the Division of Continuing Studies CASI will begin meeting again and are looking to add university staff representation to their group. Steve Ackerman, interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education visited the University Committee and discussed closing the Biotron. They are working to make sure all current occupants have space they can use elsewhere. It is likely that this process may take more than year.

Stephanie Elkins reported that the new Wisconsin Public Media CASI will be holding its first meeting in the next few weeks.

Guests: Karl Scholz, Provost and Ray Taffora, Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs
Provost Scholz and Vice Chancellor Taffora presented information about the policy library project, which they are co-sponsoring. The project team completed an inventory of policies and put together recommendations for the project sponsors. This report and recommendations is now available for public comment. They also provided a document describing a proposed Working Group on University-Wide Policy Development Guidelines. The working group would be charged with documenting the policymaking process at UW-Madison. As presently proposed, there would be two academic staff governance seats on the committee. They asked ASEC to provide feedback on the composition of the committee as well as the draft charge.

Provost Scholz provided draft guidelines for the teaching and research professor titles. The major difference of opinion between the deans and the working committee that drafted the guidelines is whether teaching professors should be required to do things outside of the classroom and beyond their department. The Provost asked ASEC to provide feedback on both proposals.

February Assembly Agenda
ASEC agreed to invite the Office of Human Resources as a guest. Also on the agenda are a resolution rescinding the resolution passed regarding the March-May Assembly meetings and the resolution on emergency numbers on Wiscards. There may also be standing committee slates ready for reading as well as nominations from the floor. 
Teaching/Research Professor Titles
ASEC discussed the teaching professor title and the issue about work outside the classroom. They did not come to any conclusions, but will continue discussion at the next meeting. 
Fixed-Term Terminal Appointments
ASEC reviewed data on fixed-term terminal appointments. There is one area of concern that involves less than five appointments. They did not have any other concerns.
Nominating Committee Slate
ASEC reviewed the list of Nominating Committee members. They asked Heather to contact the committee chairs regarding the three members who could run for election again and asked her to contact those who expressed interested in serving on any committee and those who indicated the Nominating Committee was in their top two choices.

Guests: Diane Blaskowski and Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources (Title and Total Compensation Project)
Diane and Mark shared a new timeline for the project. The new title and salary structure and working titles will go into effect on July 1. Employees will be notified of their new titles on May 1 and the salary structure will be released that same day. That will also mark the beginning of the appeals process. Benefits recommendations will be sent to leadership first and then come to shared governance. 

There is a large quality assurance process underway for the mapping. They are first looking at school/college/division alignment and requesting additional justification in some cases. They created spreadsheets looking at cross-divisional data for all job groups as a way of doing this quality assurance. They are also looking at leadership titles for consistency. 

Meeting adjourned at 4:41 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes  
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff