Divisional HR - HRS - Extension Office Location Codes
A location code is a unique combination of letters and numbers that is used to identify a physical office location (business address) where an employee's regularly assigned work location. These IDs are used across various administrative systems, including the Human Resources System (HRS), Student Jobs Platform, and auto-generated email lists. Supervisors and some employees will need to reference these IDs as they work through personnel and other administrative activities or transactions.
Extension Location Codes
List of Common Extension Location Codes
If you do not find the location code you are searching for, reach out to hr@extension.wisc.edu.
How to Find your Location Code
- Every Extension employee has a location code for their appointment record in HRS (job and person records).
- Job and Person Location - an employee's regularly assigned work location.
- To find the location code for your person location follow these steps:
- Log in to MyUW.
- Click the "Personal Information" widget.
- Find "Office Address"