University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-02-10

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 02/24/2020

 Minutes for February 10, 2020


UC members present: Campagnola, Halverson, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf

UC members absent: Sandgren

Also present besides those mentioned below: Michelle Felber, Bill Tishler, Amol Goyol, Jake Smith, Jack O’Meara

Chair Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:32 and the list of potential topics for future meetings were reviewed. The minutes of the meeting of January 27, 2020 were approved with corrections.

Dean of the Graduate School Bill Karpus was amenable to revising the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) membership to 3 years from 4 and making the seats appointed not elected. He commented on the effect the corona virus might have on recruiting students from China; and he gave an update on segregated fee payment. Along with Patrick Sheehan (Director of Talent Acquisition and Retention at the UW–‍Madison Office of Human Resources, and an architect of the Graduate Assistantship Policies and Procedures, or GAPP), Dean Karpus went over the GAPP goal to protect graduate students of all types by clarifying and standardizing the grievance process, which now includes a step to the dean’s council. The oversight will be done by the Graduate School Advisory Board. An FAQ document is being developed.

Provost Karl Scholz asked for faculty nominations for 3 search and screen committees being formed for positions in the Provost’s Office: 1) Vice Provost for Academic Operations (a new position), 2) (formerly the VP for Faculty and Staff), 2) Vice Provost for Academic Personnel (formerly VP for Faculty & Staff), and 3) Vice Provost for Academic Personnel (formerly VP for Faculty & Staff). A 4th upcoming search and screen committee not needing a faculty member is for the Secretary of the Academic Staff; interim is Deputy Secretary Jake Smith. There was some talk about Title and Total Compensation (TTC) and the incorporation of faculty associates and the professor of practice. Scholz closed with a synopsis of the excellent presentations at the recent UW System Education Committee meeting.

Jack O’Meara of PROFS gave props to Steve Ventura on his testimony before the legislature on the extension funding bill (, and Agriculture topics are big this session.

Ventura moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:29. The UC approved 3 tenure clock extensions, nominated faculty for several committees, and interviewed two candidates for the seat opening on the Athletic Board.

Wolf moved to convene in open session which was seconded at 3:35 when Chair Warfield adjourned the meeting.

University committee 
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Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty