UW-Madison Box - View Account Storage Usage and Limit

This document describes how to view your Box account's storage usage and limit.

Individual UW-Madison Box Account

  1. Log in to UW-Madison Box with your NetID and Password.

  2. Click on your account avatar (Note: This will be your initials if you have not uploaded an image) located towards the top right corner of the window.

  3. Select Account Settings.

  4. Stay on the Account page and Scroll Down to the bottom of the page.

    Account settings page is displayed with an arrow and text saying "Scroll down"

  5. Under Account Details, you will see the amount of storage used and the quota under Storage Used.

    Arrow pointing to the "Storage Used" section in "Account Details"

    • Storage Used: 134.6 KB
    • Limit/quota: 50 GB*

*Note: The limit/quota is subject to change.

Regular Folder

  1. Log in to UW-Madison Box with your NetID and Password.

  2. Click on a folder.

  3. Click on Details and look under the Size section.

    Contents of the folder, with arrows pointing to the details tab and the size amount that can be found underneath.

Project Directory Folder

  1. Log in to UW-Madison Box with your NetID and Password.

  2. Click on the Project Directory folder.

    Project directory folder named "Project Directory"

    • Quick tip!
      A Project Directory folder can be identified by the folder owner's name. If the name of the folder owner starts with "Prj_", then the selected folder is a Project Directory. If the folder does not start with "Prj_", then the folder is not a Project Directory.

      Project Directory named "Project Directory"

      Project directory owner displayed as "Project Directory"
    • Confirm you are viewing the Project Directory's parent folder, not a sub-folder, to get an accurate view of the Project Directory's folder storage usage. Viewing the sub-folder storage usage only reflects usage for that sub-folder, not for the entire Project Directory.

      • Quick tip!
        Compare the folder name and the folder owner's name to determine if you are looking at the Project Directory's parent folder. If they match, you are viewing the parent folder. If they do not match, you are viewing a sub-folder.
      • Example 1: Project Directory parent folder

        Parent folder name: Test Folder
        Parent folder owner: Prj_Test_Folder

      • Example 2: Project Directory sub-folder

        Sub-folder name: Vacation Photos
        Sub-folder owner: Prj_Test_Folder

    Note: The remaining steps below assume you have access to and are viewing the Project Directory's parent folder. The steps below are not recommended for those who only have access to sub-folders.

    1. On the right side of the window, look for the sidebar menu and click on the Details tab.

      Details tab displayed with co-owner names visible beneath it

    2. Under Details > Size, you can view the Project Directory's storage usage, but not the storage limit.

    Arrows pointing to "Details" tab and "Size" section

      • Note: The storage limit for all new Project Directories is 50 GB.

    Items Counted Towards Your UW-Madison Account Storage Usage

    Counted towards your storage usage

    • Folders/files owned by your account.
    • File Version history. Each version of a file also consumes storage in your account.

    Not counted towards your storage usage

    • Folders/files in your Trash folder.
    • Shared folders/files that are owned by a collaborator, not by your account
      • Example: If you are an Editor on a folder, the folder and its content will not count towards your storage usage.
    • Folders/files stored in a Project Directory.

    Keywordsbox storage usage space box.com account gb kb gigbytes kilobytes account settings user limit quota maximum full cap limitation against counted included project directory directories storage limit evaluation project individual folder   Doc ID98208
    OwnerAdmin B.GroupBox
    Created2020-02-24 13:25:03Updated2024-08-19 10:36:29
    SitesBox, DoIT Help Desk
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