Cisco VoIP - Downloading and Configuring the Jabber App for iPhone

How to download and install the Cisco Jabber app for iPhone devices. Note, there may be slight differences in text or visuals for different devices and operating systems. This information is from iOS 13.3.1. Please note this will only work for phone numbers assigned to individuals, not accounts assigned to locations or roles (like Reception Desk or Accounting Team). Cisco Jabber for iPhone supports only one telephone line per account.
Best Effort Support Only
Due to the wireless nature of this service and the multitude of mobile operating systems available we cannot guarantee call quality or user experience on this application. Because of this, the DoIT Help Desk is only able to offer best-effort support for this client.

You must first have an account for Cisco Jabber for iPhone. To determine if you have an account, log into the Cisco Self Care Portal. The first page is My Phones, if "Cisco Jabber for iPhone" is not listed, please fill out this form to request one. 

  1. Go to the Apple App Store on your device.
  2. Search for Cisco Jabber.
  3. Install the Cisco Jabber App made by Cisco Systems, Inc.

  4. Cisco Jabber App Download

Configuring the Cisco Jabber App

  1. Open the Cisco Jabber app on your device.
  2. Read and accept the Important Notice regarding 911 calls.

  3. 911 Important Notice
  4. Scroll and read through given information about app, select "Get Started" on last page.

  5. Getting Started
  6. Accept or deny access to all prompted items

  7. Microphone Permission
  8. Enter your when prompted and select continue.

  9. Wisc email
  10. Enter your UW-Madison NetID and password when prompted and select login.

  11. NetID login
  12. Login with Duo via push or passcode.

  13. Duo
  14. The app is now configured for use.

Keywordscell phone application iPhone Cisco VoIP Jabber cell phone app Apple install installing   Doc ID98744
OwnerShawn T.GroupVoice Services
Created2020-03-12 10:41:02Updated2021-09-07 10:57:35
SitesVoice Services
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