Webex App - How to Join and Leave a Group Space

In Webex, you can create groups of related spaces called teams. When you're added to a team, you’re automatically added to the team’s General space, and you can view or join any space in the team. Team spaces belong to everyone on the team, so they can’t be moderated like regular spaces.

How to Join a Group Space

The only way to join a team in Webex App is if a moderator adds you to it. Sometimes you'll just get added to a team because you're part of a project or department. Or, if you know about a team because someone you work with is already a member, you can ask to be added.
Go to Teams Team and choose a team. Then, look through the available spaces, and click Join This Space when you find one you'd like to join.
Join a Teams Space

How to Leave a Group Space

In the space, click Space Information  and select Leave.


You can also right-click the space in your spaces list and then select Leave.


webex, group chat, group, chat, cisco,webex teams, join, leave, space, chat room, spaces, team, add, remove 
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