College of Engineering - resources for students

Here are some links to get you started with some CAE software.
For general remote learning info, please see DoIT's "Technology for learning remotely" page:


In order to log in to many CAE services, you will need to authenticate your login via DUO. Note that your CoE DUO account is separate from your NetID DUO account, instructions here are specific to CoE DUO.

A general overview of CoE DUO:

DUO first-time set up:

If you have previously activated your DUO, but need to activate it on a new device or need to reactivate on your current device:

Requesting a temporary DUO code:

DUO Lockout:

If you get locked out of your DUO account, contact the CAE Helpdesk:

Note that DUO lockout is caused by too many failed authentication attempts. If you weren't making several failed authentication attempts prior to a DUO Lockout, someone might be trying to get into your account. Let the helpdesk know whether or not you caused the lockout via several attempts.


A number of CoE Resources require a VPN connection to access.  General info on the VPN can be found here:
WiscVPN will allow you to access your filespace.
Both CoE and License VPNs may require activation:
Unless you need full VPN, you should choose the split tunnel profile.


There are 2 options for remote access to your filespace or groupspace, MyFiles and mapping it as a network drive. 
Due to the anticipated number of students and staff using VPN to access their filespace, we recommend copying any files you will need for the remainder of the semester from your filespace to a UW-affiliated storage option, such as Box, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive. 
If you will be using XenApp and will be accessing files or folders that were shared from other students and staff, we would recommend using Box, as shared Box files and folders will show show up in XenApp through Kumo, while files and folders shared in Google Drive or OneDrive will not.  If you are not going to use any shared files, all 3 options will work and show up in XenApp via Kumo.
To allow XenApp to access your files in Box, Google Drive, or OneDrive, please link your accounts to Kumo.


For information on engineering software, please see CAE's software page here:

Mac Users

To connect to XenApp, you may need to install Citrix Workspace, or upgrade to the newest version:
Unfortunately, some software that you may need to install, such as AutoCAD and EES, is not available on the Mac platform. CAE and the College of Engineering cannot do anything about that, however there are other options.
These only run on Macs with Intel processors. Newer Macs with M.x chips do not support these software.
BOOTCAMP: DoIT has instructions to set up your Mac to dual boot MacOX and Windows. You can find the KB here: This will require you to partition your hard drive.
VIRTUAL BOX: Virtual box is another option. You can find a KB for Virtual Box here:
CAE can not endorse one product over the other, nor are we able to provide anything more than best effort assistance with Macs.

homework learning mac apple start vpn filespace duo files overview 
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Noel K. in CAE
Computer-Aided Engineering