Disconnecting PC Remote Desktop for a time
images of the best way to use the remote desktop status bar to disconnect "X" from the remote desktop for a time.
USE Caution - as choosing SHUTDOWN powers down the remote computer completely and it becomes unusable until physically powered on.
When you no longer need to use the remote desktop for the day's work - you may choose to disconnect. Do Not Choose "Shutdown" or you will not be able to connect again until someone physically turns on the office pc.
The remote desktop "toolbar" is the best way to "disconnect" for the day. Below is a picture of the tool bar (which sometimes auto hides - hover to find it). The large "X" is the best way to disconnect and keep the remote PC on and ready for use.

Using the POWER icon feature is a little riskier when wanting to maintain your remote desktop PC in the ON position. The above bar is better. Use POWER icon very cautiously.