Installing Windows on a Mac using VirtualBox

This is a guide to install virtualbox on your mac device. Virtualbox allows you to run the windows operating system on a non-windows device. Application results will vary. This process from complete start to finish may take up an hour.

VirtualBox will only run on Macs with Intel processors. Newer Macs with M.x chips do not support VirtualBox.


Before going to install this device please:

1. Follow the guides for installing and connecting to the engr-lic vpn profile found here:

2. Download the WIN 10 Iso from the Campus software library found here:

a.This will take a while as it is a large file. Complete this step first if not already done so.   

3. Ensure you are connected to your devices charging source

4. Ensure you have at least 50 gigs of free space on your mac

Without these steps, the process will not properly work.

Part 1- Installing VirtualBox

Go to :

Locate and click on “OS X hosts” If prompted allow download. 


Once complete, find download and click to install. The installer most likely ended up in your downloads folder.

Double click the installer from the downloads folder 


A window will appear. Follow the instructions in the window.


Hit Continue


Hit continue again ( lower right hand corner)  

Click Install  

Enter password to accept the install of the application. It will take a few moments to install fully. 

Hit close. Virtualbox is now installed.  You may be prompted to keep the installer or move to trash. You can decide. 

To launch VirtualBox, either search for it via spotlight  

Or go to Finder in the top bar 

Click Go. Find and click Applications 

A window will appear. Find VirtualBox and double click


*Each time you want to launch Virtualbox you will have to repeat this step.

Part 2: Installing, configuring, and activating the windows operating system-

*These instructions are left on defaults as much as possible. You are able to change the settings to your own risk.  

* If you wish to adjust these settings at a later time please read this article on how to do so. Changes can be reversed.

After launching VirtualBox, the following window will appear. Click "New" in the upper right-hand corner.

Change the settings to the following- 

Name: WIN-10

Type: Microsoft Windows

Version: Windows 10 (64-bit)

Hit Continue. This instance is left at the default setting, but you may change it as you see fit.


Hit Create. This is the default setting.

Hit Continue. This is the default setting


Keep Dynamically allocated as the default, click Continue


As your disk space allows, adjust the size of the disk as it allows.  Click Create. 50 GB should be enough for the few windows specific programs to install. 

Click WIN-10 and click the green start button. 


A window will appear asking you specify where the install media is for WIN-10.

Click the green up arrow in the bottom right hand corner.


Click Add. 

Find the place where you downloaded the install media at the beginning of this guide.

By default, the .iso file should be in your default downloads folder

Click choose. VirtualBox may ask for permission to modify files, please accept. 

Click start

Click Next


Click Install Now

Choose Windows 10 Education. Click Next

Enter Installation Key (sent in order confirmation email from

Check the box “I accept the license terms” 

Click Next

Click the second installation type "Custom: Install Windows Only (advanced)"

Click the yellow star new button

Click Apply 

Click Ok

Click Next 

Windows is now installing. This will take a bit.


The virtual machine will reboot and when presented with the next screen you may continue configurating. 

Click Yes for United States

Choose the keyboard option for you. Default is US. Click Yes. 

 Click Skip

Click Domain join instead. (Bottom left corner)

Enter desired username. Click Next

Enter a password if you so choose

Click Yes or No for Microsoft activity history

Accept or Decline using Cortana as a digital assistant

Choose yes or no on these options, then click Accept 

Windows is now setting up your profile. 


Windows is still setting things up. Click yes or no depending on your preference. 

The machine is now mostly configured. We will need to connect to the ENGR-LIC VPN as requested at the top of this document. 

Connect to the ENGR-LIC portal and follow the directions below.  Do not disconnect the vpn until instructed to do so.

If you didn’t complete this step please read the following for ENGR-LIC VPN:

Reboot the machine- click the windows logo in the bottom left hand side, click Power, click Restart

After reboot, Log back in and type Activation in the search bar, and click “Activation setting”

It should read this:  

If it doesn’t appear the same way or there was a issue. Click the appropriate buttons to retry activation. If it doesn’t work, ensure you are connected to the engr-lic vpn. You may need to reboot your compter

Part 3 Install Guest Additions

Find devices with VirtualBox selected and locate and click “Insert Guest Additions CD Image”

Open a window explore folder (button labeled 1 in following image). Double click on "CD Drive (D:) VirtualBox Guest Additions" (labeled 2 in image below)

Find the Red rectangle and double click on “VboxWindowsAdditions”


Click Yes

Click Next

Click Next 

Click Install

Click Install when prompted

Click Finish. VM will now reboot. 

You can now disconnect from the ENGR-LIC VPN 

windows mac virtual box vm virtualbox 
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Owned by:
Dan S. in CAE
Computer-Aided Engineering