Setting notifications of Box public dropbox folders

How to set notifications for Box public dropbox folders.
  1. Log into the UW-Madison Box app  - cannot accomplish thru Box Drive

  2. Navigate until you are in the folder that you wish to change notifications for.

  3. Click the settings button button.

  4. Select Settings

    Folder Settings
  5. Scroll down to Email and Notifications, select Override default settings.... and select which operations you wish to be notified by email.  Uploads is recommended.

    Email Notifications options

  6. Click Save Changes in the upper right corner

    Save Changes

Keywordsbox notifications dropbox public   Doc ID99333
OwnerEric D.GroupAgricultural & Applied Economics
Created2020-03-24 08:50:37Updated2020-03-24 09:06:19
SitesAgricultural & Applied Economics
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