Available Consents
Field Name | Definition | Requirement Entry Instructions |
QA |
Available Consents | Displays all the available consent types and corresponding HIPAA Authorizations populated from the PC Console
All versions of the consent(s) and HIPAA Authorization(s) that the subjects sign across the life of a study (e.g., when a subject is re-consented). If two exact version dates are listed, check the description and the expiration date to clarify which one to use. For example, two of the same version dates can appear if consent receives annual re-approval and a new expiration date from the IRB, but has the same version date because a revision was not required. |
Populated from the PC Console > Reviews Signed Date: Update the date the subject signed the consent if applicable. Note: This date pre-populates from the Signed Date field above. Status: Select if the subject accepted or refused the applicable consent. |
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