Pre-Posting Allocation Tool (PAT) - Percent Field Errors When Reallocating Funding

When reallocating funding one invoice at a time, it is possible to split an invoice between multiple funding sources. However, splitting based on percent may result in errors if the percent split is not correct.


There are two common errors encountered when splitting funding using percent: Field Error: Percent cannot be greater than 100, and Field Error: Percent cannot be negative. These errors generally occur when data is miskeyed.

Field Error: Percent cannot be greater than 100

This error occurs when the Update button is pressed and the value entered in the percent field is greater than 100% or if the sum of all the splits totals to greater than 100%. A split amount cannot be greater than 100% of the invoice amount.

Percent cannot be greater than 100

Field Error: Percent cannot be negative

If a negative value is entered in the percent field and the Update button is pressed, this error will return. A split amount cannot be a negative percentage.

Percent cannot be negative


Verify that the percent values entered for the split funding are accurate. Percentages must be non-negative and must total to 100%.

More Information

See all Pre-Posting Allocation Tool documents in the Knowledge Base.

doit invoices mds materials distribution service preposting allocation tool allocating split funding strings departments billing multiple groups sfs shared financial system wisdm WISER 
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Billy L. in DoIT Help Desk
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