News and Announcements

Total: 3319   Displaying: 2341 - 2360 
News item list
2341DOIT1/DOIT2 outage (08/01/02, 6-8:30PM)2002-08-01 03:54:492002-08-01 18:00:00
2342InfoAccess Query Library outage on Wednesday (07/31/02)2002-07-31 03:51:472002-07-31 18:00:00
2343IMSVS transactions down (7/27-8/05)2002-07-30 02:55:372002-08-05 18:00:00
2344No ISIS info for Annie student demo in MUM2002-07-30 02:48:182002-08-12 18:00:00
2345Chemistry Power Outage on Saturday (07/27/02, 9 AM to 1 PM)2002-07-26 10:01:102002-07-27 18:00:00
2346ISIS -Version 8 upgrade outage 7/27 thru 8/52002-07-25 03:54:052002-08-05 18:00:00
2347DOIT1 & DOIT2 down on Thursday (07/25/02 from 6 - 8:30 PM)2002-07-23 05:01:282002-07-25 18:00:00
2348MACC account forwards ending2002-07-17 08:11:142002-07-19 18:00:00
2349MadMail interruptions on Wedsnesday (07/17/02, 1-4AM)2002-07-15 08:55:292002-07-17 18:00:00
2350Short Meeting Maker outage on Thursday, 07/11/02, after 5PM2002-07-11 10:14:132002-07-11 18:00:00
2351Student record services unavailable during ISIS upgrade2002-07-05 07:49:582002-08-05 18:00:00
2352ISIS outage Sunday (07/07/02 from 8AM-12PM)2002-07-02 10:32:432002-07-06 18:00:00
2353Madison to Milwaukee WiscNet Outage 6/29 6:00am2002-06-27 02:35:182002-06-30 18:00:00
2354DoIT1 Outage today 6/24 at 4:30 PM2002-06-24 08:27:172002-06-24 18:00:00
2355Clarify Customer Imports Suspended until Monday2002-06-21 08:17:342002-06-23 18:00:00
2356OnDemand server link not working for Netscape users2002-06-14 04:34:552002-06-20 18:00:00
2357SOAR Student/WISC Software Purchase2002-06-12 02:48:052002-09-14 18:00:00
2358DOIT LAN outage on Wednesday (06/12/02, 6-7 AM)2002-06-11 09:08:412002-06-12 18:00:00
2359Eudora now works with SPOP2002-06-10 09:54:272002-07-30 18:00:00
2360Old domains warning message2002-06-10 08:16:202002-07-06 18:00:00
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