Several Web Applications Unavailable due to Maintenance Sunday, February 15, 6:00 am - 10:00 am
Posted: 2009-02-12 06:00:00 Expiration: 2009-02-15 06:00:00
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2009-02-12 06:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
The authorization database for many UW System applications will be down for maintenance on Sunday, February 15, 2008 from 6:00 am until 10:00 am.
Applications affected include any application using the IAA authentication hub as well as feeds from the authorization database. The list below is not comprehensive.
- NetID Password Changes
- Hyperion
The following email was sent to AuthHub customers:
To: MST Customers; AuthHub Clients Subject: UWPDR/IAA Outage 2/15/2009 06:00-10:00 UWPDR, the database formerly known as IAA, will be unavailable due to maintenance between 06:00-10:00 on Sunday, February 15, 2009. Database administrators will be applying database patches from Oracle. All data feeds originating from the database, as well as NetID password changes and the IAA Authentication Hub will be unavailable during the outage. Please contact your Middleware representative or if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
-- DoIT Middleware