News and Announcements

Coupon for WiscWorld

Posted: 2002-01-25 07:32:58   Expiration: 2002-01-25 07:32:58

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2002-01-25 07:32:58. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

WW 4.0 has been postponed AGAIN until possibly the first part of June. And here's the latest scoop on how to handle the coupon for the new 4.0 of WiscWorld.

Here's the latest scoop on how to handle the coupon for the new 4.0 of WiscWorld.

  • WW 4.0 has been postponed AGAIN until possibly the first part of June. However, we just finished an updated 3.5 which will be in the store by Monday around noon. It has the same installer 3.5 but all new versions of clients and helpers as well as some new items like Opera and Jabber etc.

  • Coupons have an expiration date of 3/1/02. Disregard this date.

  • Coupons are good for one new package of WiscWorld whether its the updated 3.5 coming out next week or the new 4.0 in early summer. Only good for one. Also there are no coupons included with the packages coming out next week.

  • Talked to Lloyd today and he said you can zero out the price from $15 to $0 when you ring it up so that it then is free to the customer.

  • Please keep the coupons in a box for me to pick up at a later date.

-- Annette Stratman-Durrer