News and Announcements

Learn@UW unavailable 10pm July 7 - 10am July 8

Posted: 2010-06-16 10:31:04   Expiration: 2010-07-08 04:15:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2010-06-16 10:31:04. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Learn@UW will be upgraded and unavailable beginning at 10:00 PM Wednesday July 7 through 10:00 AM Thursday July 8. This outage affects all campuses (except UW-Milwaukee).

Technologists from Desire2Learn and DoIT will be upgrading the core software to version 9.0 of the Desire2Learn Learning Environment. This new version fixes a number of bugs and also introduces a few new features. More information regarding these improvements will be provided in the near future.

We know that this outage occurs during the middle of the summer session and might present an inconvenience to students and instructors. The scheduling of this particular upgrade had to accommodate a number of factors including the release date of the software, participation of an outside vendor, and the broader academic calendar.

Thank you for your patience as you plan accordingly.

-- Jeff Bohrer