News and Announcements

Some Mac users may encounter trouble with Symantec/Norton LiveUpdate

Posted: 2011-03-08 04:55:55   Expiration: 2011-04-20 02:57:51

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2011-03-08 04:55:55. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

We have received reports of users who are having trouble with LiveUpdate not working in Symantec and Norton on their Mac. This problem appears to have begun around March 2, 2011. Affected users may need to uninstall Symantec and reinstall using the updated installer available on

If reinstalling with the updated installer does not resolve the problem, affected users can follow the directions given in which should resolve the issue.

If UW-Madison students, faculty, and staff continue to encounter problems with LiveUpdate, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

-- DoIT Help Desk