News and Announcements

Web Grant Evaluation Course

Posted: 2002-05-17 07:11:33   Expiration: 2002-05-28 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2002-05-17 07:11:33. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

About 80 people who participated in the Web Grant grade submission project will be taking an evaluation via WebCT. The evaluation, called "WebGrant Recipient's Evaluation", will be available through May 2002.

About 80 people who participated in the Web Grant grade submission project will be taking an evaluation via WebCT. The participants will be able to logon through the WebCT web site using their NetID for a logon and birthdate (mmddyy) for a default password. The evaluation, called "WebGrant Recipient's Evaluation", will be available through May 2002.

Web site: or

Course name: WebGrant Recipient's Evaluation

-- Hildy Feen