News and Announcements

Internet service interruptions (Friday, 06/07/02, 6AM)

Posted: 2002-06-04 05:59:19   Expiration: 2002-06-07 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2002-06-04 05:59:19. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There will be short interruptions in Internet service starting at 6 AM on Friday (06/07/02). These interruptions will occur when WiscNet balances the traffic between the 3 lines by moving selected virtual circuits to the new connection.

There will be short interruptions in Internet service starting at 6 AM on Friday (06/07/02).

A third OC12 connection has been added to help carry Internet traffic between the ATM switch and the Juniper router in Madison. These interruptions will occur when WiscNet balances the traffic between the 3 lines by moving selected virtual circuits to the new connection.

-- Ron Milford