News and Announcements

Bucky Backup outage on Thursday (05/29/03, 1-5 PM)

Posted: 2003-05-29 09:20:35   Expiration: 2003-05-29 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2003-05-29 09:20:35. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There will be a Bucky Backup outage on Thursday (05/29/03, 1-5 PM) for an upgrade. Backups and restores will NOT be available during this outage.

There will be a Bucky Backup outage on Thursday (05/29/03, 1-5 PM)for an upgrade. Backups and restores will NOT be available during this outage

-- Annette Stratman-Durrer, Bucky Backup Service Manager