News and Announcements

ISIS Unavailable during Upgrade from 5pm on July 21 to 8am on July 26

Posted: 2016-07-14 13:49:02   Expiration: 2016-07-26 13:49:02

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2016-07-14 13:49:02. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There will be an extended outage of ISIS during the July upgrade. An email reminder was sent to the ISIS techs and users on 07/01/16.

    Tuition Payment Site to be Unavailable During ISIS Upgrade

    The Bursar’s office will bring the tuition payment site down during ISIS upgrade. The following information has been posted on their website.

    Bursar's Office

    The Bursar's Office will be closed on Friday, July 22, due to a technical upgrade of the University's student account system.

    Checks made out to UW Madison can be deposited in the drop box located in the lobby of 333 East Campus Mall.

    Updated Recommended Browsers

    This doc has been updated to match the new basic browser requirements with PeopleTools 8.55 which goes in 7/22/16.

    ISIS / Student Center / Faculty Center - Recommended Browsers

    The Registrar's Website ISIS Announcement

    The Registrar's Office will be closed on Friday (07/22/16). The announcement and information about the systems affected by the ISIS Upgrade is included in an posting on their website.

    Office of the Registrar closing Friday, July 22, plus web outage (7/21-7/25)

    The main points:

    • On Friday, July 22, the Office of the Registrar will be closed.
    • The Advising Gateway will be available during the outage dates.

    ISIS Upgrade Announcement

    From: Student Information System
    Sent: Friday, June 17, 2016 12:31 PM
    To: isis-users and isis techs

    Subject: ISIS Upgrade/Outage 7/21, 5pm - 7/26, 8am

    The Integrated Student Information System (ISIS) will be upgraded in late July.

    During the upgrade, ISIS will be unavailable :

    Activity System Down System Available
    ISIS Upgrade Thursday, July 21, 5pm Tuesday, July 26, 8am

    How will this impact me?

    • You will not be able to log into ISIS during the outage.
    • The Class Search, Student Center, Faculty Center, and Advisor Center will be unavailable.
    • Systems that rely on ISIS data may be unavailable or data will remain constant during outage. Check with respective system owners for specifics. The look and feel will be exactly the same.

    Please plan your work around this outage.

    -- Student Information System