News and Announcements

Campus Network Upgrade on October 10th, Midnight - 8:00 a.m. Resolved: 10:15 am

Posted: 2004-10-04 18:00:00   Expiration: 2004-10-08 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2004-10-04 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There will be no network connectivity to the DoIT Platform due to a scheduled network upgrade on October 10, between midnight and 8:00a. UPDATE: Most services are back online, but dial-in users are still unable to authenticate, and the Learn@UW login sites on are not available. There may be some other services still affected.

Campus email needs to be down before the network outage can begin. WiscMail, WiscMail Plus, and WiscNet Mail services will be brought down at 11:30p, Saturday (10/9), safely in advance of the network outage. This upgrade focuses primarily on the DoIT platform network so the impact on most intra-campus and off-campus connectivity will be minimal. However, in addition to the platform upgrades, a core network device at CSSC will be upgraded, causing users who connect directly to CSSC on Dayton Street to experience a brief outage in addition to the loss of platform connectivity. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact the DoIT Help Desk at 608/264-HELP (4357), and press option 1.

-- DoIT Help Desk